
Wave visualization of Video

Primary LanguagePython


This small application creates a sound wave and superimposes it on each frame of a video.

Check a small description of its inner workings in its original post.


  • ffmpeg to handle video encoding/decoding
  • opencv to create the visuals (waves)
  • scipy to get the spectral information of the audio
  • numpy to handle the data
  • Matplotlib is not really needed, but shows the intermediate data, if you want to know what's happening behind scenes.


from VideoWave import Waver
wave_clip = Waver("clip.mp4")

And that's it. You have now a new clip with audio waves on top of the image looking like this:


You can install the latest version of VideoWave directly from the repository using git and pip:

git clone https://github.com/Mayitzin/VideoWave.git
cd VideoWave
pip install .