
Development of EUF ranking system

Primary LanguagePython

Ranking (Development of EUF ranking system)

Version: 2023-01-28

The goal of this code is to provide a structure to the implementation of the ranking algorithms, so they can be immediately applied to any available dataset. It also provides a possibility to gain insights about the games datasets and the way to export the results to reasonable formats.

Folder structure

  • algos - specific ranking-algorithm functions
  • classes - general concepts for implementing the algorithms
  • utils - various utility functions
  • tests - scripts validating the implemented algorithms

Runnable Scripts

To initialize the code, do the following:

  • Clone the repo using git clone https://github.com/Berenito/Ranking.git
  • Create python env, install packages to it using pip install requirements.txt

All important constants and definitions are located in the definitions.py file.


Take data from all the CSV files in the input folder and join them to create a big Game Table with the clean data; export some preliminary summary statistics (no rankings are calculated here).


  • Prepare a folder with the tournament result data - CSV files named games_<suffix>.csv with columns Tournament, Date, Team_1, Team_2, Score_1, Score_2, Division
  • Add to the same folder a CSV file with columns Team, Aliases specifying the teams in the EUF system; multiple aliases can be defined for each team in the same row, separated with , (filename should be teams-<division>.txt)
  • Add to the same folder a CSV file with columns Team, Tournament specifying that the given team has met the EUF roster requirements for the particular tournament (filename should be teams_at_tournaments-<division>.txt)


  • --input <INPUT> - path to the folder with all necessary files
  • --season <SEASON> - current year
  • --output <OUTPUT> - path to the folder to save the output CSVs
  • [--division <DIVISION>] - women/mixed/open/all (default "all")


  • If division is "all", repeat the next steps for all three divisions
  • Read the tournament results CSVs and take only the games for the given division
  • Read the list of EUF teams; replace aliases where applicable
  • Read teams at tournaments list; add suffix to all teams without EUF-sanctioned roster for the given tournament
  • Process the Game Table (check for invalid rows)
  • Calculate basic statistics for the season (without any rankings)
  • Save the output CSVs


  • CSVs with Games, Tournaments, Calendar, and Summary (without any rankings)


Calculate the rankings for all defined algorithms.


  • Run prepare_data.py script (use its output path as input to this script)
  • Specify the algorithms in definitions.py


  • --input <INPUT>- path to the folder with all necessary files
  • --season <SEASON> - current year
  • --date <DATE> - date of calculation
  • --output <OUTPUT> - path to save the output files
  • [--division <DIVISION>] - women/mixed/open/all (default "all")


  • CSV with Games, Summary (including ratings); pickle with GamesDataset object


Export the Ranking data to the Datapane application (all divisions and all the algorithms together).


  • Create the datapane account and get the token for app deployment
  • Run calculate_rankings.py script for the same date as specified here and desired division (use its output path as input to this script)


  • --input <INPUT>- path to the folder with all necessary files
  • --season <SEASON> - current year
  • --token <TOKEN> - datapane token for logging in
  • --date <DATE> - date of calculation
  • [--division <DIVISION>] - women/mixed/open/all (default "all")


  • Datapane webpage with deployed application

Note: Don't panic if the script finished with requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 502 Server Error: Bad Gateway for url:, it probably succeeded and the new version is uploaded.