
About The Project

Deployed Game

BuzzWord is a word guessing game inspired by the popular game Wordle. This game can be played solo or multiplayer. Player(s) have to solve both words in the grids.


I love Wordle and would play with my friends all the time. I wondered about the logic behind the game and wanted to build it and appreciate it even more.

Built With




Visual Studio Code


BuzzWord can be used as a multiplayer game or even a single player game. As long as both grids are answered correctly, the player wins.




THEMES: There will be three themes: Food Edition, General Edition and Holiday Edition. The surprise button will give the users a random selection of themes.

PLAYER NAMES / TEAM NAME: Names will be added as players type their names in and click on a button. Players have the option to enter one team name for both of them as they are working together.

WORD TILES: Tiles will turn green if player guesses the word correctly. Tiles will turn yellow if player guess the correct letter in the wrong location but still isn't the complete word. Tiles will turn gray if no letters have been solved.

LAYOUT There will be five letter words and four tries. The button to start the game will be "surprise me," and a theme will pop up. They need to take turns; player 1 goes first then player 2 or they can try to solve both grids at the same time. Each player get a separate word, so there is no room for cheating.

WINNING Only if both grids are solved can players win the game.

LOSING If no one wins the first round which is guessing the word right, they will need to retry in the next line.


I would like to implement more features such as a bigger data set of words and possibly more categories that players can choose.

Author & Contact


Mayleen Zhagnay LinkedIn Profile


FreeCode Camp Web Platform W3 School