
Primary LanguageC#GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1


Additional options and keyboard shortcuts for H in Koikatsu


  • BepInEx 5.1 and above


Download KK_HSceneOptions.zip from the latest release then extract it into your game directory (where the game exe and BepInEx folder are located). Replace old files if asked.


It is recommended to adjust the configs via the in-game plugin settings page instead of directly editing the config file.
Press F1 to access the plugin settings at the upper right of the screen.


If you want to enable a feature please do so first in config.

  • Auto equip sub-accessories - Auto equip sub-accessories at the start of H (Default: Disabled)

  • Hide shadow casted by female limbs and accessories - Hide shadow casted by female limbs and accessories. This does not affect shadows casted by the head or hair. (Default: Disabled)

  • Hide shadow casted by male body - Hide shadow casted by male body. Very useful for POV view or VR. (Default: Disabled)

  • Interrupt Speech When Force Insert - Interrupt female speech when inserting without asking (blue button), allowing immediate insertion. (Default: Enabled)

  • Interrupt Speech With Control Pad - Allow skipping voice lines by left clicking the control pad. (Default: Enabled)

  • Quick Position Change - Quickly switch between positions, skipping speech and maintaining motion if not changing sex mode.

    • Disabled - Disable this feature completely
    • Auto - Activates quick switching only when switching between positions within the same mode, and only during active sex when the characters are moving (Default)
    • Always - Always activates quick switching (motion is only maintained within the same sex mode)

Excitement Gauge

  • Auto lock female gauge - Automatically lock the female excitement gauge at the start of H (Default: Disabled)

  • Auto lock male gauge - Automatically lock the male excitement gauge at the start of H (Default: Disabled)

  • Female Excitement Gauge Maximum Value - Female excitement gauge will not go above this value when not locked. Value ranges from 0% to 100%. (Default: 100%)

  • Female Excitement Gauge Minimum Value - Female excitement gauge will not fall below this value when not locked. Value ranges from 0% to 100%. (Default: 0%)

  • Male Excitement Gauge Maximum Value - Male excitement gauge will not go above this value when not locked. Value ranges from 0% to 100%. (Default: 100%)

  • Male Excitement Gauge Minimum Value - Male excitement gauge will not fall below this value when not locked. Value ranges from 0% to 100%. (Default: 0%)

Female Speech

  • Speech Control - Configures how the plugin controls the female's speech.

    • Default Behavior - Disable this feature and return to vanilla behavior. (Default)
    • Based on Timer - Automatically trigger speech at set interval.
    • Mute Idle Speech - Prevent the girl from speaking at all at idle (she would still speak during events such as insertion).
    • Mute All Spoken Lines - Mute all speech other than moans.
      (To prevent issues with the duration of precum or orgasm, set the Precum Timer to a few seconds when muting all speech)
  • Speech Timer - Sets the time interval at which the girl will randomly speak, from roughly 0.1 to 60 seconds. (Default: 20)
    This option is effective only if Speech Control is set to Based on Timer

Finish & Orgasm

  • Disable Auto Finish in Service Mode - If enabled, animation in service modes will not be stuck in the fast precum animation when male's excitement gauge is past the 70% threshold. (Default: Enabled)

  • Precum Timer - When orgasm is initiated via the keyboard shortcut or in-game menu, animation will forcibly exit precum and enter orgasm after this many seconds. Set to 0 to disable this feature. (Default: 0)
    (It is recommended to set this timer to a few seconds when muting all speech to prevent issues with the duration of precum or orgasm)

  • Precum Toggle - Allow toggling through precum loop when right clicking the speed control pad. (Default: Enabled)
    Toggle order: weak motion > strong motion > precum > back to weak motion

Official VR

  • Reset Camera At Position Change - Resets the camera back to the male's head when switching to a different position in official VR. (Default: Enabled)

Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Insert After Asking Female - Press this key to insert male genital after female speech (Default: None)

  • Insert Without Asking - Press this key to insert male genital without asking for permission (Default: None)

  • Orgasm Inside - Press this key to manually cum inside with the specified amount of time in precum (Default: None)

  • Orgasm Outside - Press this key to manually cum outside with the specified amount of time in precum (Default: None)

  • Precum Loop Toggle - Press this key to enter/exit precum animation (Default: None)

  • Spit Out - Press this key to make female spit out after blowjob (Default: None)

  • Swallow - Press this key to make female swallow after blowjob (Default: None)

  • Toggle Bottom Clothes - Toggle through states of the bottom cloth (skirt, pants...etc) of the main female. (Default: None)

  • Toggle Pantsu Stipped/Half Stripped - Toggle between a fully stripped and a partially stripped pantsu. You would not be able to fully dress the pantsu with this shortcut (Default: None)

  • Toggle Sub-Accessories - Toggle the display of sub-accessories (Default: None)

  • Toggle Top Clothes - Toggle through states of the top clothes of the main female, including top and bra. (Default: None)

  • Trigger Speech - Trigger a random voice line depending on the current context (Default: None)

Notes and Limitations

  • Supports official VR (JP and Steam)

  • Unknown compatibility with kPlug

  • The various keyboard shortcuts from this plugin can be used with a voice to keystroke software to allow hands free operation, which is especially useful in VR.
    For the keyboard shortcuts to work in VR, the game's window must have focus.

  • When manually forcing precum animation, piston speed will be fixed at max value and cannot be adjusted.


Copyright (C) 2020 MayouKurayami