
Simple cli tool to display file stats for your projects.

Primary LanguageGo

Eyeball 🔍

Eyeball is a very basic cli tool (written in Go) that displays stats about your code. Stats include number of files, number of lines per file, file size etc. Inspired by tokei written in rust.

eyeball magnifying glass illustration

Example 🎨

example image


Go version: >= 1.13

Clone this repository and build the binary

$ git clone https://github.com/Mayowa-Ojo/eyeball
$ cd eyeball
$ go build

add eyeball to your $PATH

or run

go run main.go <flags>

Usage 📋

-r || --root specifies the root directory

-e || --exclude specifies folders to ignore

$ eyeball [-r ./directory]

$ eyeball [-r ./directory] [-e .idea]

Excluding Folders 💣

By default, eyeball ignores certain folders [.git, .vscode]. Use the -e || --exclude flag to specify folders to ignore. Separate multiple folders with a comma ','

$ eyeball -r ./ -e folder1,folder2,folder3


  • Sorting output
  • Grouping files by extension
  • More stats...