
A Restful API, produced using JWT, Node.js, and Sequelize. It simulates the backend of a blog site.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Blogs API

The project was developed at the end of Trybe's 24th block, in which I studied Sequelize and JWT (JSON Web Token).


How it works

In this project, I developed an API Restful using Sequelize and JWT. We created a database that simulates a blog, where users, after logged (with JWT verifications), can read, search, delete and add posts. I produced Sequelize's migrations and models, even as the controller's and service's layers. After I finished the project, I decided to refactor my codes, splitting them to make them more organized and avoid repeating codes.



  • /login: to sign in with a user already registered. ⚡
    • requisition body model:
  "email": "maybsalvalaio@gmail.com",
  "password": "123456"
  • /user: to sign up a new user. ⚡
    • requisition body model:
  "displayName": "Maysa-B",
  "email": "maybsalvalaio@gmail.com",
  "password": "123456",
//  "image": "not mandatory"
  • /categories: to create a new category.
    • requisition body model:
  "name": "Typescript"
  • /post: to create a new post.
    • requisition body model:
  "title": "Latest updates, August 1st",
  "content": "The whole text for the blog post goes here in this key",
  "categoryIds": [1, 2]


  • /user: to list all users.
  • /user/:id: to find a user by their id number.
  • /categories: to list all categories.
  • /post/search: using a q query on the endpoint, you can search by a word, and find all posts that have this word in the title or content.
    • example: .../post/search?q=searchTerm.
  • /post: to list all posts.
  • /post/:id: to get a post by its id number.


  • /user/me: to delete your user.
  • /post/:id: to delete a post that the user wrote, using the id as a parameter.


  • /post/:id: to update a post that the user wrote.

⚡: Those are the endpoints that you will receive a token as a response. For all the others you need to send this token by the Authorization key on the header.

If you see something that can be improved, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me! All feedback is very welcome.✨