
In this project is developed By Maissa Jaziri, Aycha Abid and Riheme Ben Hassan using the Angular framework


MVVM: Model, View, ViewModel
The Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern helps to maintain a clean separation between application logic and the UI, help to address numerous development issues and can make an application easier to test, maintain, and evolve.

Why we choose it ?

We choose this architecture because it makes the application evolution easier and improves its maintenance by separating the user interface from the application logic, which is exactly our need in this case in order to have a robust appication.

Why Angular ?

Angular is one of the most popular frameworks that follows this architecture.

Every component has a:

  • View: HTML file
  • View Model : the TS file
  • Model : Ts class


Use Case Preview
Get user profile data
Vaccination Dashboard

How to test the app

  1. git clone <url>
  2. npm install
  3. ng serve