Maytapi - WhatsApp Api Bot Example

A simple nodejs bot for Maytapi WhatsApp Api

Our WebsiteWhatsApp Api DocumentationsWhatsApp Api Postman Collection

  • In this example we echo the text messages back to user.
  • We use ngrok to create temporary https reverse proxy so whatsapp can reach our demo api.
  • Because ngrok public url changes everytime we also change webhook settings in our account at boot. This should not be used like this in production environments.
  • NOTE: Before testing the demo you need to create your phone instance and connect an active WhatsApp account to instance in Phones Page.


Installing nodejs packages

npm install

Configure Tokens

You need to change PRODUCT_ID, PHONE_ID and API_TOKEN values in app.js file. You can find your Product ID and Token in Settings Token Page. Phone Id can be found in Phones Page or with /listPhones endpoint.

Start The Api

Tested with nodejs v10.15.0

npm start

Now you can try the bot with sending test messages to your connected number.

You can test this bot with these preconfigured messages:

  • media
  • media64
  • location
  • reply
  • link
  • filepdf
  • filedoc
  • vcard
  • contact
  • product