
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Consuming the Pokemon API

🎮 Application to display a list of Pokemons using this API.

Minimum requirements🚀

  • Elements of list must show name and image of the pokemon.
  • It is no allowed to use a CSS framework for custom design.
  • It is allowed to use JS vanila or a framework of choice.
  • Github repository with a readme.

Other features😜

  • I added buttons to navigate to previous or next grids if available.
  • I refactored with a customized hook for atomic design.
  • I created a local variable for using the API endpoint.
  • Plus, decided to show different provided front or back images wether they are female or male pokemons.

📺 This is how it looks:

⚒️ Tech Stack & Tools:

  • HTML + CSS + JavaScript
  • Axios
  • React-Router-Dom

📌 If you want to try it out:

git clone https://github.com/MayuRuru/PokemonApi.git
npm install
npm start