React + Vite

This template provides a minimal setup to get React working in Vite with HMR and some ESLint rules.

Currently, two official plugins are available:

  1. Download the zip folder or clone the gitRepository with vscode.
  2. Open terminal and type "npm install" for installation of node_modules and then to run the application type "npm run dev"


VehicleParadice - Google Chrome 10_4_2023 12_34_15 PM

VehicleParadice - Google Chrome 10_4_2023 12_34_28 PM

VehicleParadice - Google Chrome 10_4_2023 12_39_28 PM

VehicleParadice - Google Chrome 10_4_2023 12_39_47 PM

VehicleParadice - Google Chrome 10_4_2023 12_40_08 PM