
Simple Smart Contract written in SCILLA

Simple Contract in SCILLA

  • Contract can be used to send and recieve messages across the members registered on the ledger
  • Only admin is allowed to register members
  • Only membres are allowed to send and recieve messages
  • The cost of sending message is 10 Units
  • One who recieves message gets 10 Units
  • File messageContractAnalysis.json contains the CashFlow Analysis, warnings, gas consumption

Installing SCILLA

The source code of SCILLA and its installation instructions were found here

Running Analysis

After installing SCILLA

run the following to get the analysis report in json format

scilla-checker -gaslimit 1000 -libdir <location_to_stdlib> -cf -contractinfo -typeinfo MessageContract.scilla | cat > messageContractAnalysis.json

  • Analysis shows the cash-flow tags i.e. which variables are assosiated with money
  • Also the gas consumption to be 650 QA (smaller unit of ZIL which is Ziliqa's crypto currency)
  • More details on gas consumption calculations were found here