
Its a 2D game developed for Android and Desktop platform , developed in LibGDX Framework . The game is all about defeating space ship as much as you can by a Limited no. of shields and lives(shield protect your ship from lasers, but when shield drops down to 0 your ship is vulnerable to get destroyed, so keep avoiding enemy lasers.) . Its an Alpha version of the game , Used Collision detection algorithm ,used enemy spawn algorithm , enemy movement algorithm and a multilayered parallax scrolling background for better gameplay experience and currently the game can detect single touch inputs only!! for Desktop users use UP,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT arrow keys. This Current version of Game lacks some certain things such as Audio management, Level Designing and Database for players and High Scores , the features may get updated in the Future. Hope you Like this Game!! if You Want to make a contribution to this Project kindly contact through mail : mayur2002official@gmail.com

Primary LanguageJava

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