
A simple personal website built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to showcase your portfolio, resume, and projects. This project serves as a digital presence to highlight your skills, experience, and personal interests.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Personal Website

A simple personal website built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to showcase your portfolio, resume, and projects. This project serves as a digital presence to highlight your skills, experience, and personal interests.

Table of Contents


This is a personal website designed to act as an online portfolio and resume. The website includes sections for a bio, skills, projects, and contact information. It's fully responsive and adaptable to all screen sizes.


  • Clean and modern UI/UX design
  • Mobile-responsive layout
  • Section for displaying your projects
  • Contact form to get in touch
  • SEO-friendly design
  • Easy customization

Tech Stack

The website is built using:

  • HTML5 – Structure of the website
  • CSS3 – For styling and responsiveness
  • JavaScript – For interactivity
  • Font Awesome – For icons
  • Google Fonts – For typography


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/Mayurdubal/website.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd website
  3. Open the index.html file in a web browser to view the website.

    open index.html


You can customize the content of the website by editing the HTML and CSS files. To deploy the website on the internet, you can use GitHub Pages or any web hosting service.

Running Locally

  1. Open the project in any text editor (e.g., VS Code).
  2. Make changes to the content in the HTML, CSS, or JavaScript files.
  3. Preview the changes by opening index.html in a browser.

Deploying to GitHub Pages

  1. Push the code to your GitHub repository.
  2. Go to the repository's "Settings" and scroll down to the "GitHub Pages" section.
  3. Choose the branch (main or gh-pages) and select /root as the directory.
  4. Your site will be live at https://yourusername.github.io/website/.

Project Structure

├── css/                   # Stylesheets
│   └── style.css          # Main CSS file
├── images/                # Images used in the website
├── js/                    # JavaScript files
│   └── script.js          # Main JS file
├── index.html             # Main HTML file
├── about.html             # About page HTML
└── contact.html           # Contact page HTML


To make the website your own, you can:

  1. Update the content of the index.html, about.html, and contact.html files.
  2. Replace the images in the images folder with your own.
  3. Edit the style.css file to match your branding and style preferences.
  4. Add or remove sections as needed to fit your personal requirements.


If you would like to contribute to the project, feel free to fork the repository and submit a pull request. All contributions are welcome!


This project is licensed under the MIT License. You are free to use, modify, and distribute the project as long as you include the original license.

You can modify and expand the structure based on your specific requirements. Let me know if you need additional sections or features!