
:zzz: Yet another dotfiles repository

Primary LanguageLua

Yet another dotfiles repository


Repository is flagged as work in progress. There are things that aren't working now. For example, installation is not idempotent and make all not working as expected. Each command should be executed one by one.


On a sparkling fresh installation of macOS:

sudo softwareupdate -i -a
xcode-select --install

The Xcode Command Line Tools includes git and make (not available on stock macOS). Now there are two options:

Install this repo with curl available:

bash -c "`curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mayurifag/.dotfiles/master/remote-install.sh`"

This will clone or download, this repo to ~/.dotfiles depending on the availability of git, curl or wget.

Alternatively, clone manually into the desired location:

git clone https://github.com/Mayurifag/.dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles


  • Install zsh and make homebrew one to be default
  • iCloud — delete all the syncs, maybe need guide here or smth

After bootstrap

  • VSCode - initiate sync
  • Restore gpg key – launch keepassxc, search for gpg
  • Setup each app


  1. superhuman / fork / calendar app
  2. https://www.taniarascia.com/setting-up-a-brand-new-mac-for-development/
  3. closing windows properly
  4. krisp twitter (tweetbot)
  5. some app to use whatsapp and skype and zoom
  6. mackup restore

Last things

Check startup -> User & Groups from Raycast Keyboard -> fn do nothing


Hidden telegram app in script editor

run application "Telegram"
tell application "Finder"
set visible of process "Telegram" to false
end tell

Need to think :S

Set sudo to be usable without Touch ID


Set up shadowsocks


Setup karabiner

TODO make caps lock switch languages and make it fast!

Scroll acceleration mouse fix


Раскладка Бирмана

Установить + удалить системный английский язык.

Redquits - do i need it

sudo installer -verbose -pkg RedQuits_v2.pkg -target / Privacy -> Accessibility -> enable



Rocket app

Disable on VSCode.


ln -s "/Users/mayurifag/Nextcloud/Rarely Useful/Software/espanso" "/Users/mayurifag/Library/Application Support/espanso"

Paid macos apps I use

  1. Bartender 4
  2. BetterSnapTool
  3. GitKraken
  4. Rubymine/Datagrip/Goland (login)


Its inspired mostly on webdev dotfiles repo Many thanks to the dotfiles community.

https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/232371/el-capitan-remove-finder-from-application-switcher-cmd-tab https://gist.github.com/germanny/7642823 https://gist.github.com/naotone/d2cbb30cd8d54d34869f https://github.com/mathiasbynens/dotfiles https://github.com/alrra/dotfiles