
Makefiles set up Digital Ocean droplets with software to compile R packages

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Makefiles to set up Digital Ocean droplets with software to compile R packages.


The aim of DigitalOcean-R-setup is to make it easier to test compilation of R packages on a wide variety of Unix variants before submitting the package to CRAN. Different Makefiles exist for the different VMs offered by Digital Ocean (DO). Each Makefile is targeted to the needs of Mazama Science for the testing of packages we maintain. Others may wish to fork and modify these Makefiles to include other system libraries and R packages appropriate for testing their own packages.

The entire process should take less than half an hour per OS and means that you can thoroughly test your R package on a wide variety of Linux OS before submitting to CRAN.

Creating a DO account

Go to Digital Ocean (DO) to create an account.


The best way to authenticate is to generate a personal access token (https://cloud.digitalocean.com/settings/tokens/new) and save it in an environment variable called DO_PAT. If you don’t do this, you’ll be prompted to authenticate in your browser the first time you use analogsea.

Make sure you provide digitial ocean your public key at https://cloud.digitalocean.com/ssh_keys. Github has some good advice on creating a new public key if you don’t already have one: https://help.github.com/articles/generating-ssh-keys/.

(copied verbatim from analogsea)


The analogsea R package has functions for managing DO droplets from the R console. Thee instructions below don't use analogsea but it is important to be aware that this package exists.

Building a new VM from scratch

  1. Log in to Digital Ocean and create a new droplet:
  • Ubuntu 18.04 > Basic > Create Droplet"
  1. Log on to your droplet with ssh. (Find the droplet IP address in the DO dashboard.)
  • ssh root@<ip address>
  1. Install make, vim, git and subversion by hand:
  • Debian, Ubuntu: apt update; apt --yes install make vim git subversion
  • Fedora, CentOS: yum --assumeyes install make vim git subversion
  1. Set up the server:
  1. Get the Makefiles and run make:
  • git clone https://github.com/MazamaScience/DigitalOcean-R-setup.git
  • cd DigitalOcean-R-setup/Makefiles
  • make -f Makefile.*OS_TARGET* all
  1. Clone your R package source code e.g.:
  • cd ~
  • git clone https://github.com/MazamaScience/MazamaCoreUtils.git
  1. Compile with e.g.:
  • R CMD build --resave-data MazamaCoreUtils
  • R CMD check --as-cran MazamaCoreUtils_0.4.4.tar.gz
  1. At the DO console, power off when you are finished.
  2. Create a snapshot and delete your droplet to stop recurring fees.

Building a VM from a snapshot

In the DO dashboard click on "Images" to see previously saved snapshots.

Then choose "More > Restore Droplet" to revive the snapshot.

You may also wish to "Create Droplet" if you are going to add more software.