KM3 is a hospital managment system desktop application made with java programming language
KM3 Project is a desktop Application made with Java programming Language to serve as a hospital managment system. We've Used JFrame Swing in GUI making.for database we've used SQLITE. our software system should give solution for the administrative and managing staff. Also, to help doctors and patients with easy procedures and steps. This project can help not only with hospitals but also with health clinics and centers whatever their sizes are. Privacy And safety for these data is also obtained. The whold project Documentaion can be found in Documentaion Files.
KM3 project was made with Java and Sqlite database. To run this properly you should download the db file which contains the premade database and tabels ( put it C). Then you need to download two jar files rs2xml.jar and My-SQL- Connector given in the project and add it to your lib in netbeans project.
- Names are arranged in alphabetical order.
- KM3 refers to the first letter of team names.