
Primary LanguagePython

MetaStore: Analyzing Deep Learning Meta-Data at Scale

🔔 News

  • [02/09/2024] We released the code of MetaStore! The code repo is still under construction, Please contact zhanghuayi01@gmail.com if you have any questions.

We support the following methods:

  • naive: The naive method that store and compute on full gradient
  • recon: A p2b method that use <prefix, suffix> pairs to store/load gradients, but reconstruct gradients in GPU.
  • ted: the method that run with p2p operators in MetaStore
  • half: the method that run with p2b operators in MetaStore


The following steps provide the necessary setup to run our codes.

  1. Create a Python virtual environment with Conda:
conda create -n myenv python=3.7
conda activate myenv
  1. Install PyTorch with compatible cuda version, following instructions from PyTorch Installation Page. For example with cuda 11:
pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu118
  1. Install the following Python dependencies to run the codes.
pip install -r requirements.txt

Usage Example

Using the CIFAR10/AGNews/Imagenet dataset as example, you can test MetaStore with the following methods:

You can run the scripts to test MetaStore:

bash ./scripts/experiment_run.sh

Instructions to apply MetaStore on new Models/Datasets:

You can use the following code to obtain the results:

Step 0-1: Train a Model and store the checkpoints

cd ./metastore
python3 ./model_trainers/vgg16_trainer.py

Step 0-2: Obtain the target layer names with the unwarp function. For example,

from utils.utils import unwrap
from model_trainers.models import VGG16
import torch.nn as nn

model = VGG16()
valid_layer_types = []
flatten_layers = unwrap(model, "your_model_name", valid_layer_types)
print (flatten_layers)

then add the target layers into the config files, e.g., config.yaml

Step 1: Collect and store the gradient with Model Reply

Set config.system.collect_artifacts=true in the config file will collect and store the gradients.

Step 2: Run queries, e.g. p2b operators and p2p operators, for example,

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=${device_number} python3 ./main.py --config ./config.yaml --method ted --target_model VGG16 \
  --data cifar10 --num_analyzed_samples 10000 --num_query 100

You can also formulate the test samples by set the indices of testing samples in the main.py file,

test_loader, test_dataset = get_dataloader_cifar(opt["data"], mode="test", indices="INDICES_OF_TEST_SAMPLES"))


Some important hyper-parameters to tune given a new dataset to avoid OOM:

  1. gpu_memory_cache_threshold
  2. store_batch_size


Please contact zhanghuayi01@gmail.com if you have any questions.