DIY software for commanding live audio, groove machines, and video! Main screen
Software to play backing tracks and drive several groove machines in sync. Tonton Media Player behaves as a master clock for the groove machines. The clock is based on audio samples count, to keep the drums machines perfectly in sync with backing track audio. Tonton Media Player is able to drive the groove machines even if no backing track.
Tonton Media Player can handle several backing tracks in parallel. Audio level can be adjusted and saved for each one.
Playing videos (almost) in sync with audio. Also able to use shaders to provide generative content synchronized with the clock.
Several video surfaces can be set and modified, to map content on surfaces. Pressing 'm' enters mapping mode where you can drag and drop the mapping nodes.
Songs structures are defined into xml files. A setlist definition file can also be provided to sort properly the songs for a live set.
Tonton Media Player is based on Openframeworks (our favorite creative coding framework):
It needs the following addons to build:
- ofxGui
- ofxXmlSettings
- ofxAudioFile [download here:]
- ofxMidi [download here:]
- ofxSoundObjects [download here:] (forked from
Tonton Media Player is a DIY software from and for Maman ! J'ai Peur band ( Development is still ongoing. Want to chat about it ? Don't hesitate to reach us at or on social media (instagram: @mamangpeur). We would be happy to share our software and our knowledge to help the music community.