
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Key UI elements:
    The “Pickup savings” tooltip
    The “See Item details” expander
    The “Apply Promo code” expander
The user should be able to enter a promo code “DISCOUNT” and on applying it, see a 10% discount reflect in the purchase summary. Use Redux for this.
Please refrain from using existing react components out there to help building this (bootstrap etc.). For the pricing data, you can hard code it to an object/json and read from it.
Build your UI on CodeSandbox: https://codesandbox.io/s/new and share the URL when ready.
    Feel free to use your own workflow too if easier and upload your project files to a GitHub repo along with instructions for loading it up and testing on my end. 
Reusability of component is a key factor to consider. You’ll be evaluated based on code correctness and quality.
You can reproduce this interface by going to walmart.com and adding this chair to Cart and going to Checkout page. You don’t have to go through with the order to see this UI.
    If you choose “Pickup” option in Checkout, you’ll see the “Pickup Savings” tooltip on the right as well.
    For the “See Item details” item image - feel free to use the images on the Walmart.com (or) any placeholder image.
    Clicking on “See Item Details” toggles open/close all the items’ details (not individually)
Bonus Points

If the UI is responsive and works fine across different resolutions (mobile/desktop - scaling by % of page width)
If there are unit tests for components with interactions.
