
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Buhles salon

Buhle has started a salon in her local shopping centre and needs a system to keep track of her business. The salon currently offers 4 different treatments Pedicures, Manicures, Make up & Brows & Lashes.

All stylists can do all treatments.

The treatment prices are as follows.

Treatment type Price
Pedicure R175
Manicure R215
Make up R185.00
Brows & Lashes R240.00

Create a Factory Function and a PostgreSQL database that will help her keep track of treatment bookings.

Please: read all the instructions thoroughly before you start to do any work.

Factory Function

Create a Factory Function called SalonBooking with the following methods:

Method name Description
findStylist(phoneNumber) Find all data for stylist by their phone number
findClient(phoneNumber) Find all data for client by their phone number
findTreatment(phoneNumber) Find a treatment by it's short code
findAllTreatments() Return all the treatments offered
makeBooking(clientId, treatmentId, stylistId, date, time) Allow a client to make a booking - a booking require a clientId, treatmentId, date & a time. Only 2 bookings max for a treatmentId in a given timeslot & date combination is allowed. Ensure a stylist is not double booked for the the same date & time combination. Booking logic can get very complicated. Lets not go there for now. Focus on the supplied booking rules.
findAllBookings(date) Find all the bookings that were made for a given date
findClientBookings(clientId) Find all the bookings for a client - use clientId as lookup
findStylistsForTreatment(treatmentId) Find all the stylists that ever given this treatment, the booking table is central to this method.
findAllBookings({date, time}) Find all the booking made for a specific date & time combination - if only date or time is specified query for only date or time which ever one is specified. If both is specified query for both if no variables are specified return all bookings
totalIncomeForDay(date) find the total income for the day specified.
mostValuebleClient() find the client that spend the most money at the salon so far
totalCommission(date, stylistId) calculate the total commission for a given date & stylist

Note: you can add extra Factory Function methods to support the above factory functions if needed.

Tables to create

Create these 4 tables:

  • client,
  • treatment,
  • booking
  • stylist

Table structure

All tables have an id as primary key

  • client

    • first_name
    • last_name
    • phone_number
  • treatment

    • type - treatment name
    • code - short three letter code for each treatment
    • price
  • booking

    • booking_date -> use date type
    • booking_time -> use time type
    • client_id -> this is a fk (foreign key)
    • treatment_id -> this is a fk
    • stylist_id -> this is a fk
  • stylist

    • first_name
    • last_name
    • phone_number
    • commission_percentage -> use numeric (3,2)

The stylist commission is stored as a decimal amount like 0.15 for 15% and 0.17 for 17%.

The booking table brings client, treatment and stylist tables together.

Create sql scripts to pre-populate the client, treatment & stylist tables.

  • Add the 4 treatments - use the price chart above.
  • Add at least 7 clients.
  • Add 3 or more stylists - the stylist commission is between 7% and 20%.

Using day & date columns

PostgreSQL has special date and time field types. Use them for the booking_date and booking_time columns in the booking table.

To create a table that has a date and time slot do something like this:

create table date_test ( the_date date,  slot time  );

To insert data into these columns:

insert into date_test (the_date, slot) values ('2022-02-27', '07:00');

Note that date columns use a format of yyyy-mm-dd and time columns use a format of 2 number colon 2 numbers like this 08:00 or 9:15.

The query on date & time fields use queries like this:

select * from date_test where the slot > '06:00';
select * from date_test where the slot = '07:00';
select * from test where the the_date > '2022-02-26' and slot = '07:00';

You can use >, < and = signs for date and time queries.

You can learn more about date & time at the links below, but this is more than what you would need to complete this assessment:

Factory function setup

We made a start for you by creating the salon-booking.js factory function file with some tests in salon-booking.test.js.

Implement tests for all the above functions and setup a PostgeSQL in salon-booking.test.js use the appropriate parameters and return data.

The tests are:

  • not setup using specific data.
  • purely illustrative - you should change the test code to ensure the factory function is tested appropriately

You need to make sure each test tests the appropriate function. More tests might be needed.

Ensure the tests are running in GitHub actions.

Add all your sql scripts to a sql folder.


Fork & clone this repository.

To get goinf do an npm install.

To run the tests use npm test.

Do some proper planning to make sure you understand what is required. Clarify your understanding with the mentors please. Ask for clarification if something is not clear to you.

A Feedback system link will be provided for you to share your work.

Add a link to your kanban board in the readme.md file below.

Planning links

Todo Add links to you planning here.