
AgroStake is a new way to invest in the agricultural industry by allowing users to lodge in their funds in different categories like bronze, silver, gold, and diamond. The invested funds are then used to work on different sectors of agriculture, including crop farming, livestock farming, fishery, and other relevant sectors. The rewards earned from this investment are then distributed to the user based on the category they have invested into. This provides investors with the opportunity to diversify their investment portfolio, support the growth and development of the agricultural industry, and earn passive income.

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How it Works

To get started with the AgroStake platform, you need to have Polygon mumbai token and a wallet that supports dApps. Some popular wallets that support dApps interaction includes MetaMask, Trust Wallet, and Coinbase Wallet. Once you have a wallet that supports this interaction, you can proceed to the AgroStake platform.

To start using the AgroStake, users need to follow these simple steps:

  • Connect Wallet: Users need to connect their wallet to be able to invest in the platform.
  • Choose a category: After wallet connection, users need to choose a category to invest in. The categories include bronze, silver, gold, and diamond.
  • Invest: Once the category is selected, users need to invest their fund in the chosen category. The invested amount will be used to work on various sectors of agriculture.
  • Earn rewards: Users who invest can earn rewards based on the category in which they have invested.


  • Investment categories: AgroStake offers four categories for users to invest in, including bronze, silver, gold, and diamond. Each category offers different rewards for the investment made by users.
  • Multiple sectors: The investment received by the AgroStake platform are used to work on various sectors of agriculture, such as crop farming, livestock farming, fishery, etc.
  • Rewards: Users who invest in AgroStake can earn rewards for their investment. The rewards vary based on the category in which the user invests into, and only users who leave their investment until the maturity date will get the rewards to their wallet.


  • Investment in Agriculture: AgroStake offers a unique opportunity for investors to support the growth and development of the agricultural industry by investing their funds in a productive way.

  • Diversification: Investing in different categories provides investors with the opportunity to diversify their investment portfolio by spreading their investments across different sectors of agriculture.

  • Income generation: Investing in AgroStake offers investors the potential to earn passive income through the rewards earned from their invested funds.

Project Authors

  • Daniel Mbazu - SmartContract Developer
  • Chidozie Zeno Ezeanekwe - Frontend Developer