The Queen Light

Project Overview

This ESP32-based project utilize an LED strip (SM16703) and an ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR04) to check void closets without the need to open them. The code is modularized for better organization and readability.

Hardware Components

  • ESP32
  • LED strip (SM16703)
  • Ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR04)
  • Shift Register (74hc565)


The project utilizes the following library:

  • FastLED - for controlling the LED strip.

Pin Configuration

The LED strip data pin is configured using DATA_PIN.

Code Structure

The project is organized into multiple files:

  • The_Queen_Light.ino: The main file containing setup and loop functions.
  • modules.cpp: Defines additional modular functions.
  • modules.hpp: Header file for function declarations.


  1. Setup Function:

    • Initializes the LED strip.
  2. Loop Function:

    • Utilizes the UpTo function to sequentially light up different sections of the LED strip with specified colors.
    • The UpTo function gradually illuminates sections with different colors.