USES OF JavaScript
1. Dom Manipulation (Document Object Mobile)
Everything in a a web page is a Node.
DOM is a tree like strcuture of Nodes and everything in the Page is a Node That can be controlled/Manipulated By JavaScript
Java Script can be used to manipulate the Style or content of elements in the DOM
2.Even Handling
JavaScript gives us a way to respond to events such as Mouse clicks, Hovers, Form Submissions Etc.
Keyboard events as long as you are on a DOM Element.
3.Asychronous /Http Requests
We can use JavaScript to make Asynchornous/Http Requests from our Browser.
JavaScript can interact with servers, to submit or fetch data without
having to refresh the page
Especially in SPA(S)
4.Animations & Effects
We can be able to create a wide range of Effects
5.Data Manipulation(Sorting,Filtering Etc)
Can also be done with JavaScript since it is a full featured Language
with Datasctutures and arrays we can manipulate Data
6.Storing Data
Can also be used to store Data in the client, via Cookies,Local Storage etc
7Single Page Applications
Loading a single HTML Page and dynamically change the content, without having to
change or reload the entire page.
8.Creating API(s) and Web Services
Node Js and Deno
Module one
1.Console-->Where i monitor my Javascript errors.\
Notes By
Mbugua Caleb