
Mastering Integration Testing Via Test Containers

Primary LanguageJava

Mastering what is included in springboot

spring-boot-starter-test is batteries included it comes with a number of dependencies
we can be able to use.

comes with a lot of packages for doing tests i.e mockito, assertj-core and junit,
a lot of packages we need for testing out of the Box

spring-boot-starter-test “Starter”,  imports both Spring Boot test modules as well as 
JUnit Jupiter, AssertJ, Hamcrest, and a number of other useful libraries.

(a)JUnit 5: The de-facto standard for unit testing Java applications.

(b)Spring Test & Spring Boot Test: Utilities and integration test support for Spring Boot applications.

(c)AssertJ: A fluent assertion library.

(d)Hamcrest: A library of matcher objects (also known as constraints or predicates).

(e)Mockito: A Java mocking framework.

(f)JSONassert: An assertion library for JSON.

(g)JsonPath: XPath for JSON.

Awaitility: A library for testing asynchronous systems.

Liblaries that can be used for asserts


(choose on of these and remain consitent)

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