MEMAPI Debugger

This debugger is designed to be very similar to ProDG was on the PS3 so that users who were familiar with debugger on the PS3 should be able to pickup on this relatively easily.

It allows you to have as many windows open as you want so you can have 4 memory views open if you require. It lets you do various things such as adding breakpoints, viewing memory, writing memory, reading registers, writing registers etc.

Server API

All the logic for handling incoming requests is done by the memapi-server payload.

Repository Link: memapi-server

Client Library API

All of the logic for sending requests to the memapi-server is handled in the memapi-library.

Repository Link: memapi-library

Open Source

I have decied to make all these resources i've been working on open source so that hopefully other developers will help improve this software for the entire PS4 community. There is a lot of things that can be done to improve this software however getting this far has already taken me weeks of continous development.

Preview Images

Overview Rearrangement Write Memory