
Primary LanguageTypeScript


This is where you include your WebPart documentation.

Building the code

git clone the repo
npm i
npm i -g gulp

General Notes

Additional npm installs

npm install @pnp/logging @pnp/common @pnp/odata @pnp/sp --save
npm install @microsoft/sp-listview-extensibility   (Required from copying services folder from react repo)
npm install @pnp/sp  ( Required to get list items from web )
npm install --save @pnp/polyfill-ie11 ( Required for Internet Explorer Expand/Select calls )
npm install @pnp/spfx-controls-react --save --save-exact  (to test using [react carousel](https://sharepoint.github.io/sp-dev-fx-controls-react/controls/Carousel/))
npm install react-slick

Configuration and Setup

List based analytics

  1. update strings in en-us.js for your analytics web and list.
  1. update analytics save details in /src/services/createAnalytics.ts refer to: export function saveAnalytics update variables and static column names in your list to save information you want insure that "Everyone" can at least create items on your analytics list

Pre-configured options

The web part has 3 built in configurations defined in the manifest.json file.

  1. DEV - Developer web part which includes all CORP and TEAM definitions plus custom/test definitions.
  2. CORP - Corporate standard tile definitions refering to corporate portals.
  • Intended to have web part option that can make it easy to display slices of standard corporate libraries.
  1. TEAM - Intended more for Team site with total customization features
  • AvailableListMapping.ts contains all the list defintion choices and definitions for the webpart.

  • DevListMapping.ts contains the list defintions used in the DEV Scenario. - pulls from AvailableListMapping.ts.

  • CorpListMapping.ts contains all list defintions used in the CORP Scenario. - pulls from AvailableListMapping.ts.

  • TeamListMapping.ts contains all list defintions used in the TEAM Scenario. - pulls from AvailableListMapping.ts.

  • Make sure Corp and Team mappings have same spelling for the listChoice keys that are used in AvailableListMapping.ts.

  • uses scenario prop in pre-configured properties to determine prop pane dropdown for list definition.

  • eventually you could use the secnario prop to limit access to other parts of the property pane.

  • possibly even limit which tile list/library urls could be used with different configurations.

End-user Short-cuts and features

  • CTRL-ALT-SHFT-Click a tile to edit it's properties
  • CTRL-CLick "Minimize ---" button to go to site contents
  • CTRL-Click Pivot to make that category the "Hero" category
  • ALT-SHFT-Click "Minimize ---" button to see analytics
  • ALT-Click "Search" to search All tiles (not just the ones currently filtered)
  • [ ]
  • [ ]
  • [ ]


  • Add way to re-do categories to some basic options like Modified, Created dates/users.

  • Add Age categories.

  • Add prop pane prop to define format for dates for Tile Category and Title/Description.

  • Special Click to go into list mode, maybe one that toggles back and icon changes from list to grid.

  • Finalize ShowAll items icon... currently filter-x, maybe make it a pivot choice?

  • webPartProperty to pick Search Capability: Dropdown - Visible, Collapsed, None (disabled)

  • Check DocumentCard Text below image is Hero Category, not description.

  • Add maxDynamicSearchQty property so that search only happens upon Enter when exceeding that quantity

  • Add webPartProperty to enableSearch

  • Create alternate Hover styles besides slide up panel - like fadding or white overlay and black text

  • Add Hero Aspect Ratio to all Hero Types

  • Improve Help panel layout/look/feel

  • CTRL-ALT-SHFT-Click on Icons does not go to correct Url: /sites/Templates/Icons/sites/Forms/DispForm.aspx * This seems to be because Site and Library are the same Icons * This also impacts the Links in help panel (only on this list)

  • Add image cover/fit options to DocumentCard layout (Icons are very big and not correct aspect ratio)

  • Add image cover/fit/size options in Carousel. 9/16 can sometimes just be to wide and tall on full page

  • Improve onHover on DocumentCard layout

  • Add ShowAll button

  • What to do about Hero Carousel during search?

  • Fix when Category columns are number arrays (like Author/ID): done - PivotTiles\utils.ts: convertValues

  • Fix TestImages listDefinition with multiple Others categories. done - PivotTiles\utils.ts: buildTileCategoriesFromResponse

  • Add way to convert dates in Tile Category to Year or Month.

Create log:

  • Copied prop pane strings/interface/props from SPFx Properties Formulas Apr 30 - Editable.xlsx (5 places).
  • Removed un-neccessary modules from common and services folder that were causing serve errors.
  • Tested in dev tenant - Props Pane works :)
  • Added default prop pane values in webpart.manifset.json. NOTE you do need to re-add webpart to page to see these updates.
  • Broke props pane into 3 pages. About, Main Settings, Column settings.
  • Importing PropertyPaneLabel with BaseClientSideWebPart
  • Created component folders for PivotTiles and TileItems
  • Added public onInit():Promise { ( inside base webpart class )

This package produces the following:

  • lib/* - intermediate-stage commonjs build artifacts
  • dist/* - the bundled script, along with other resources
  • deploy/* - all resources which should be uploaded to a CDN.

Build options

gulp clean - TODO gulp test - TODO gulp serve - TODO gulp bundle - TODO gulp package-solution - TODO