This is where you include your WebPart documentation.
git clone the repo
npm i
npm i -g gulp
- Copied src\common from
- Copied src\services from
npm install @pnp/logging @pnp/common @pnp/odata @pnp/sp --save
npm install @microsoft/sp-listview-extensibility (Required from copying services folder from react repo)
npm install @pnp/sp ( Required to get list items from web )
npm install --save @pnp/polyfill-ie11 ( Required for Internet Explorer Expand/Select calls )
npm install @pnp/spfx-controls-react --save --save-exact (to test using [react carousel](
npm install react-slick
- update strings in en-us.js for your analytics web and list.
- analyticsList: "TilesCycleTesting",
- analyticsWeb: "",
- update analytics save details in /src/services/createAnalytics.ts refer to: export function saveAnalytics update variables and static column names in your list to save information you want insure that "Everyone" can at least create items on your analytics list
The web part has 3 built in configurations defined in the manifest.json file.
- DEV - Developer web part which includes all CORP and TEAM definitions plus custom/test definitions.
- CORP - Corporate standard tile definitions refering to corporate portals.
- Intended to have web part option that can make it easy to display slices of standard corporate libraries.
- TEAM - Intended more for Team site with total customization features
AvailableListMapping.ts contains all the list defintion choices and definitions for the webpart.
DevListMapping.ts contains the list defintions used in the DEV Scenario. - pulls from AvailableListMapping.ts.
CorpListMapping.ts contains all list defintions used in the CORP Scenario. - pulls from AvailableListMapping.ts.
TeamListMapping.ts contains all list defintions used in the TEAM Scenario. - pulls from AvailableListMapping.ts.
Make sure Corp and Team mappings have same spelling for the listChoice keys that are used in AvailableListMapping.ts.
uses scenario prop in pre-configured properties to determine prop pane dropdown for list definition.
eventually you could use the secnario prop to limit access to other parts of the property pane.
possibly even limit which tile list/library urls could be used with different configurations.
- CTRL-ALT-SHFT-Click a tile to edit it's properties
- CTRL-CLick "Minimize ---" button to go to site contents
- CTRL-Click Pivot to make that category the "Hero" category
- ALT-SHFT-Click "Minimize ---" button to see analytics
- ALT-Click "Search" to search All tiles (not just the ones currently filtered)
- [ ]
- [ ]
- [ ]
Add way to re-do categories to some basic options like Modified, Created dates/users.
Add Age categories.
Add prop pane prop to define format for dates for Tile Category and Title/Description.
Special Click to go into list mode, maybe one that toggles back and icon changes from list to grid.
Finalize ShowAll items icon... currently filter-x, maybe make it a pivot choice?
webPartProperty to pick Search Capability: Dropdown - Visible, Collapsed, None (disabled)
Check DocumentCard Text below image is Hero Category, not description.
Add maxDynamicSearchQty property so that search only happens upon Enter when exceeding that quantity
Add webPartProperty to enableSearch
Create alternate Hover styles besides slide up panel - like fadding or white overlay and black text
Add Hero Aspect Ratio to all Hero Types
Improve Help panel layout/look/feel
CTRL-ALT-SHFT-Click on Icons does not go to correct Url: /sites/Templates/Icons/sites/Forms/DispForm.aspx * This seems to be because Site and Library are the same Icons * This also impacts the Links in help panel (only on this list)
Add image cover/fit options to DocumentCard layout (Icons are very big and not correct aspect ratio)
Add image cover/fit/size options in Carousel. 9/16 can sometimes just be to wide and tall on full page
Improve onHover on DocumentCard layout
Add ShowAll button
What to do about Hero Carousel during search?
Fix when Category columns are number arrays (like Author/ID): done - PivotTiles\utils.ts: convertValues
Fix TestImages listDefinition with multiple Others categories. done - PivotTiles\utils.ts: buildTileCategoriesFromResponse
Add way to convert dates in Tile Category to Year or Month.
- Copied prop pane strings/interface/props from SPFx Properties Formulas Apr 30 - Editable.xlsx (5 places).
- Removed un-neccessary modules from common and services folder that were causing serve errors.
- Tested in dev tenant - Props Pane works :)
- Added default prop pane values in webpart.manifset.json. NOTE you do need to re-add webpart to page to see these updates.
- Broke props pane into 3 pages. About, Main Settings, Column settings.
- Importing PropertyPaneLabel with BaseClientSideWebPart
- Created component folders for PivotTiles and TileItems
- Added public onInit():Promise { ( inside base webpart class )
This package produces the following:
- lib/* - intermediate-stage commonjs build artifacts
- dist/* - the bundled script, along with other resources
- deploy/* - all resources which should be uploaded to a CDN.
gulp clean - TODO gulp test - TODO gulp serve - TODO gulp bundle - TODO gulp package-solution - TODO