Course Description

This two-credit course builds on prior experience in Web Fundamentals and programming. Students will learn to create dynamic websites that use JavaScript to respond to events, update content, and create responsive user experiences. The course introduces responsive design using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with attention to usability, accessibility, and best practices in web frontend development.



  • WDD 130: Web Fundamentals

Required Materials

  • Textbook: There is no textbook for this course. Instead, you will be provided with links to the required content and resources on the web.


  • Students will be most successful in this course if they have a device that can handle heavy computing, therefore, a laptop with the ability to run more demanding apps is required. Internet connectivity is required. A cell phone is not sufficient for the requirements of this course. All of the software we will be using specifically for this course can be used for free.


Course Outcomes

  • Develop responsive web pages that follow best practices and use valid HTML and CSS.
  • Demonstrate proficiency with JavaScript language syntax.
  • Use JavaScript to respond to events and dynamically modify HTML.
  • Demonstrate the traits of an effective team member (such as clear communication, collaboration, fulfilling assignments, and meeting deadlines).

Major Assignments

  • Develop responsive and dynamic front-end web dev skills.
  • Individual programming project.
  • Exam covering basic concepts presented in the course.

Weekly Patterns

  • Learning Activity: Formative learning activities and checking understanding.
  • Assignment: Proof of formative learning.

Learning Model

This course follows the principles of the BYU-Idaho Learning Model, including the importance of exercising faith, taking action and initiative, and loving, serving, and teaching one another.



  • To find feedback quicker and to have announcements come to your contact method of choice, add your contact methods in Canvas so you can receive notifications.


  • You can expect to receive grades and feedback within a few days of the due date for all assignments. Review the rubric for feedback.


  • Plan to devote a significant amount of time each week to this course. Spend a little bit of time each day rather than a large amount of time in one sitting.

Group Work

  • A key learning outcome is to help you develop as a skilled collaborator. Learning to work with a team is also a specific outcome of this course.

Late Work

  • Turning work in on time is a sign of professionalism and respect for the instructor as well as the other students in the class. Accommodations will be made for those who have difficulties submitting assignments on time.