
project-group-group-07 created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageJava

Grocery Store Software System

Wiki Home Page

Project Overview

We are developing a website and android application for a local grocery store. The store's customers will be able to browse the all of the store's items and order online for delivery or pickup. They are also able to create an account to save their email and home address, as well as accumulate store points for rewards. The employees will be able to use the software to view their schedules and tasks. The store's owner will be able to manage their employees and modify the store's information such as its business hours and holidays.

About us

We are a team of six Software Engineering Students in U2 at McGill. We are group 07 of Winter 2022's ECSE-321-001 class

Overview Table

Name Role Sprint 1 Sprint 2 Sprint 3 Sprint 4
Karim Moussa Project Manager, Software Lead 24.5 47.5 45 28
Elias Abou Farah Backend Lead, Software Developer 25.5 47.5 43 36
Jasmine Cheung Frontend Lead, Software Developer 16.5 32.5 41 48
Ojetta Ye Documentation Lead, Software Developer 19.5 19.5 38 32
Adam Kazma Testing Lead 20.5 10 43
Tran Tuan Khai Phan Software Developer 17.5 17 38 10

Deliverable 1

Sprint Report 1 can be found here

Name Contribution Hours
Elias Abou Farah GitHub setup, Heroku and Spring setup, Requirements, Domain model class diagram, Use-Case Diagrams, Detailed Use-Case descriptions, Action build system automation, Model code writing, Persistence Test writing, Testing and debugging 25.5
Karim Moussa Requirements, Domain model class diagram, Use-Case Diagrams, Detailed Use-Case descriptions, Model code writing, Persistence Test writing 24.5
Adam Kazma GitHub setup, Heroku and Spring setup, Requirements, Domain model class diagram, Use-Case Diagrams, Detailed Use-Case descriptions, Model code writing, Persistence Test writing 21.5
Jasmine Cheung Domain model class diagram, Use-Case Diagrams, Detailed Use-Case descriptions, Model code writing, Persistence Test writing, Sprint documentation 19.5
Ojetta Ye Requirements, Use-Case Diagrams, Detailed Use-Case descriptions, Model code writing, Sprint Documentation, Persistence Test writing 19.5
Tran Tuan Khai Phan Requirements, Domain model class diagram, Use-Case Diagrams, Detailed Use-Case descriptions, Model code writing 17.5

Deliverable 2

Sprint Report 2 can be found here

Name Contribution Hours
Karim Moussa Task issues, Heroku maintenance, Service Methods, Controller Methods, Mockito tests, JUnit Tests 47.5
Elias Abou Farah Heroku maintenance, Service Methods, Controller Methods, Mockito tests, JUnit Tests, Integration Tests 47.5
Jasmine Cheung Task issues, Service Methods, Controller Methods, Mockito tests, JUnit Tests, Documentation 32.5
Ojetta Ye Mockito tests, Service Methods, Controller Methods, JUnit Tests, Documentation 17.5
Tran Tuan Khai Phan Service Methods, Controller Methods, Mockito tests, JUnit Tests, Documentation 17
Adam Kazma Dto Methods, Controller Methods, Mockito Tests 10

Deliverable 3

Sprint Report 3 can be found here

Name Contribution Hours
Karim Moussa Initial Setup, Owner Page Frontend, Backend 45
Elias Abou Farah Database management, Employee Page Frontend, Backend 43
Adam Kazma Frontend example, Terminal Page Frontend, Backend 43
Jasmine Cheung Customer Page Frontend, Backend 41
Ojetta Ye Initial Setup, Login/Signup Pages Frontend, Backend 38
Tran Tuan Khai Phan Cart/Checkout/Payment Pages Frontend, Backend 38

Deliverable 4

Sprint Report 4 can be found here

Name Contribution Hours
Karim Moussa Page Design, Function Implementation 28
Elias Abou Farah Page Design, Function Implementation, Continuous Integration 36
Adam Kazma
Jasmine Cheung Page Design, Function Implementation, Wiki Documentation 48
Ojetta Ye Initial Page Design, Function Implementation, Wiki Documentation 32
Tran Tuan Khai Phan Page Design 8