
Motion-Augmented rPPG Video Toolbox

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Motion Matters: Neural Motion Transfer for Better Camera Physiological Sensing

Pre-print | Project Website

Examples of motion augmentation applied to subjects in the UBFC-rPPG dataset.


Machine learning models for camera-based physiological measurement can have weak generalization due to a lack of representative training data. Body motion is one of the most significant sources of noise when attempting to recover the subtle cardiac pulse from a video. We explore motion transfer as a form of data augmentation to introduce motion variation while preserving physiological changes. We adapt a neural video synthesis approach to augment videos for the task of remote photoplethysmography (PPG) and study the effects of motion augmentation with respect to 1. the magnitude and 2. the type of motion. After training on motion-augmented versions of publicly available datasets, the presented inter-dataset results on five benchmark datasets show improvements of up to 75% over existing state-of-the-art results. Our findings illustrate the utility of motion transfer as a data augmentation technique for improving the generalization of models for camera-based physiological sensing. We release our code and pre-trained models for using motion transfer as a data augmentation technique.


STEP1: bash setup.sh

STEP2: conda activate ma-rppg-video-toolbox

STEP3: pip install -r requirements.txt

STEP 4: Install PyTorch using the below command,

pip install torch==1.8.2 torchvision==0.9.2 torchaudio==0.8.2 --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/lts/1.8/cu111

STEP 5: Download the appropriate pre-trained model and place it in the appropriate folder within checkpoints/. We recommend using Vox-256-New over Vox-256-Beta.


This motion-augmentation pipeline supports three rPPG video datasets - UBFC-rPPG, PURE, and SCAMPS. The pipeline utilizes an unofficial pytorch implementation of the paper "One-Shot Free-View Neural Talking-Head Synthesis for Video Conferencing" by Ting-Chun Wang, Arun Mallya, and Ming-Yu Liu (NVIDIA). A link to the original, unofficial implementation can be found here. Python 3.6.13 and Pytorch 1.8.2 are used.

Below is a basic example of utilizing augment_videos.py to augment all subjects provided in the UBFC-rPPG with motion based on a supplied directory of driving videos and the Vox-256-New pre-trained model:

python augment_videos.py --config ./checkpoints/checkpoint_new/vox-256-spade.yaml --checkpoint ./checkpoints/checkpoint_new/00000189-checkpoint.pth.tar --source_path /path/to/source/dataset/folder --driving_path /path/to/driving/dataset/folder --augmented_path /path/to/augmented/dataset/folder/to/generate --relative --adapt_scale --dataset UBFC-rPPG

Note that an augmented output path is specified with --augmented_path. The augmented output includes the exact same folder structure as the input dataset (e.g., UBFC-rPPG dataset's DATASET2 folder structure), and contains all of the corresponding ground truth files that are copied over.

A naive implementation of multiprocessing can be enabled with the --mp command line option to speed-up the motion augmentation pipeline. Depending on your computing environment, this is not recommended. Multiprocessing support will be refined in a future update to this code repository.

Additionally, we provide motion analysis scripts in the motion_analysis folder to generate and analyze videos processed using OpenFace. Please refer to the OpenFace GitHub repo for instructions on how to properly install OpenFace. We also provide pre-trained models in pretrained_models and example configs and dataloaders in MA_training for use with the rPPG-Toolbox.

Pretrained Models

The below pre-trained models were obtained from here.

Model Train Set Baidu Netdisk Media Fire
Vox-256-Beta VoxCeleb-v1 Baidu (PW: c0tc) MF
Vox-256-New VoxCeleb-v1 - MF
Vox-512 VoxCeleb-v2 soon soon


Thanks to zhanglonghao1992, NV, AliaksandrSiarohin, and DeepHeadPose for their useful code implementations!


If you find our paper or this toolbox useful for your research, please cite our work.

      title={Motion Matters: Neural Motion Transfer for Better Camera Physiological Sensing}, 
      author={Akshay Paruchuri and Xin Liu and Yulu Pan and Shwetak Patel and Daniel McDuff and Soumyadip Sengupta},