
Original-idea application that I built by myself in a two-week sprint: React, Redux, Redux-Sagas, Node, Express, JS, HTML, CSS, Lorem Picsum API, JS Web Speech API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

F.L.U.E.N.T. application

This application is a solution to the loneliness and lack of context experienced during self-directed foreign language study.

Users may register as either Learners or Instructors.

Landing Page

Learners choose from available instructors to pair with someone who will receive their submissions the language challenges and give them feedback.

Learner Choose Instructor

Learners can hear their written answers spoken aloud in a native accent of the language they are learning!

Learner Challenge Page (Part 1)

Learner Challenge Page (Part 2)

Learners receive positive reinforcement by earning coins and keeping their activity streak going, and have tailored greeetings to help them feel more personally connected to the foreign language.

Learner Profile

Instructors set a limit of how many Learners they would like to be paired with, and when their limit is reached, they will no longer appear as an available instructor in that language.

Instructor Profile

Instructors share tailored feedback to their paired Learners' submissions, providing context and interaction to what was a lonely experience.

Instructor Feedback

Built with:

React, Redux, Express, Node, Passport, PostgreSQL, HTML, CSS, JS, Lorem Picsum API, and the JS Web Speech API.


Before you get started, make sure you have the following software installed on your computer:

Create database and table

Create a new database called fluent_db and run all of the SQL queries found in the database.sql.

Development Setup Instructions

  • Run npm install
  • Create a .env file at the root of the project and paste this line into the file:
    While you're in your new .env file, take the time to replace superDuperSecret with some long random string like 25POUbVtx6RKVNWszd9ERB9Bb6 to keep your application secure. Here's a site that can help you: https://passwordsgenerator.net/. If you don't do this step, create a secret with less than eight characters, or leave it as superDuperSecret, you will get a warning.
  • Start postgres if not running already by using brew services start postgresql
  • Run npm run server
  • Run npm run client
  • Navigate to localhost:3000

Production Build

  • Start postgres if not running already by using brew services start postgresql
  • Run npm start
  • Navigate to localhost:5000

Lay of the Land

Directory Structure:

  • src/ contains the React application
  • public/ contains static assets for the client-side
  • build/ after you build the project, contains the transpiled code from src/ and public/ that will be viewed on the production site
  • server/ contains the Express App


Thanks to Prime Digital Academy who equipped and helped me to make this application a reality.