
a simple docker image that meteor builds a bundle in a controlled, constant environment.


A simple docker image that bundles meteor and it's dependencies and meteor builds a bundle in a controlled, constant environment.
See the docs in the docker-meteor-runner wiki for an introduction to the whole deployment process.

You need to mount your app at /app and get the bundle from /bundle when meteor-builder is done.


docker run \
  --volume /path/to/app:/app \
  --volume /path/to/output:/bundle \

The default build command is set as

meteor --unsafe-perm build --server-only --directory /bundle

The command can be overwritten by specifying another. meteor npm install will always be run before the command. It is recommended to use --directory and use the output like that if possible, or compress on the host system to increase performance dramatically.

docker run -v /path/to/app:/app -v /path/to/output:/bundle risetechnologies/meteor-builder meteor build --directory /bundle


The latest tag is built from the master branch and should usually be up to date with the latest version of meteor. It is however recommended to explicitly depend on meteor versions using docker tags like meteor-runner:1.4.2 (especially in FROM directives in Dockerfiles).