
macLabel, lets you list, set, test for, and set FinderLabel colors by name or number from the command line.

Primary LanguageC


macLabel, lets you list, set, test for, and set FinderLabel colors by name or number from the command line. maclabel: version 1.0 Copyright © 2013 McUsr and put into Public Domain under Gnu GPL 2.0 Usage: macLabel [options] [color] [1 to n ..file arguments or from stdin specified by posix path, one file on each line.] Options

macLabel [ - -huVclastwvnd ] macLabel [ --help,--usage,--copyright,--version,--list,--all,--set --test,--which,--verbose, --number, --delimiter ] Details

Label color can be set, returned or tested for. Colors are numbers by -n or English as -v or by default. Another delimiter than '\t' (tab) can be chosen to separate files from colors/numbers. Only files on a HFS+ filesystem, can be operated upon. And the files must of course exist.

-l [file1 ..file1] list files and their label color. -a [file1 ..file1] list all files and their label color (none). -s [color] [file1 ..file1] set label to color. -sn signalizes that color is set by number.

-t [color] [file 1 .. file n] test for label of file. exit code is zero if single file and success. -v output to stdout automatically set. -n returns the color as number.

-w [color] [file 1 ..file n] : returns files with a given color. exit code is colorcode if single file. -v is automatically set. -n returns the color as number.

-n [number] for color with the -s or --set option. (See below).

Valid colors and numbers representing them

0 None 1 Grey 2 Green 3 Purple 4 Blue 5 Yellow 6 Red 7 Orange

Examples of usage

macLabel -w [file 1 .. file n] Returns [file color] to stdout.

macLabel -wn [file 1 .. file n] Returns [file nr] to stdout.

macLabel -w [file 1] Returns the colornumber as exitcode.

macLabel -sn 6 [file 1] Sets the Finder Label of file 1 to red.

macLabel -s red [file 1] Sets the Finder Label of file 1 to red.

macLabel -t red [file 1 .. file n] Returns 0 if red is the label of file 1. Sends [file color] to stdout when more than one file.

macLabel -tn red [file 1 .. file n] Sends [file color-number] to stdout when more than one.