Project for COMP4342-Mobile Computing at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
To build the project, run ./gradlew build
. This will compile the code, test it and publish test report and finally assemble a runnable jar file with all necessary dependencies.
There are several ways that you can run the ToDoList server.
Navigate to ./build/libs
and you can find the jar file output from the previous build process. The server needs to connect to a MongoDB, for which the configuration can be provided either by:
providing a command line argument:$uri
. For example, if there is a mongodb instance running on your machine with default port 27017, you can run the server withjava -jar ToDoListServer.jar
setting an environment variable:
Alternatively, run the server with gradle supported by the SpringBoot Gradle plugin. You also need to supply database uri if yours is not the default (
). Command: ./gradlew bootRun --args='$args'
If you don't have a MongoDB instance pre-configured, this method is the most convenient, with the prerequisite that you have the proper Docker toolchain installed. The docker-compose file will build the application's docker image, install the mongodb image, stand up a network and connect the containers for you.
Simply navigate to the project root directory and run:
docker compose up
If the application starts up properly, it will listen on port 8080. Open the web browser and try to interact with the swagger-ui for the RESTful API. For example, if the server is running on the localhost, the url is: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/