|-- build.gradle
|-- dat // various data (see dependencies), not version-controlled
|-- eval // evaluation results, not version-controlled
|-- gradle
|-- gradlew
|-- gradlew.bat
|-- scripts // misc scripts
|-- settings.gradle
`-- src // java source files
usage: java -jar trec.jar
-d,--docmap <arg> build document map. default: ./dat/file.txt
-e,--expansion <arg> query expansion method for VSM mode: 0 for
none, 1 for weighted, 2 for pseudo relevance
feedback, 3 for local association analysis, 4
for local correlation analysis. default: 0
-h,--help print this message
-i,--index <arg> build index for the given postings file.
default: ./dat/post.txt
-k,--top-k <arg> top k documents to retrieve. default: 1000
-m,--mode <arg> query mode: 0 for VSM, 1 for Proximity.
default: 0
-o,--output <arg> output file path. default: output.txt
-p,--stopwords <arg> stopwords file path. default:
-r,--retrieve <arg> retrieve documents for the given query file.
default: ./dat/queryT.txt
-t,--threads <arg> number of threads to use. default: 10
-x,--max-distance <arg> maximum distance between two terms in a phrase
query. default: 10
./gradlew build -x test
# Output in ./build/libs/trec.jar
The program can also be run without an explicit build step using the Gradle wrapper:
./gradlew run --args="..."
Name | Version | Description |
Java | 8 | Java SDK |
Gradle | 7.4 | Build Tool |
./dat/post.txt | NA | Postings File |
./dat/file.txt | NA | Document Metadata |
./dat/queryT.txt | NA | Query File (short) |
./dat/queryTDN.txt | NA | Query File (long) |
./dat/stopwords.txt | NA | Stopwords List |
./eval/trec_eval | NA | Evaluation Tool |
./eval/judgerobust | NA | Benchmarking File |
Since the current indexing procesure is slow, a pre-built index is made available here. Refer to this post to understand how to use this file.
The following commands are run in the project root directory. You should also have a Redis server running and set up the proper environment variables.
export REDIS_HOST=localhost
export REDIS_PORT=6379
# Build inverted file index
./gradlew run --args="-i ./dat/post.txt -t 50"
# Build document map
./gradlew run --args="-d ./dat/file.txt"
# VSM Query
./gradlew run --args="-r ./dat/queryT.txt -o ./eval/T_VSM.ret -p ./dat/stopwords.txt -k 1000 -m 0 -e 0 -t 20"
./gradlew run --args="-r ./dat/queryTDN.txt -o ./eval/TDN_VSM.ret -p ./dat/stopwords.txt -k 1000 -m 0 -e 0 -t 20"
# Weighted VSM Query
./gradlew run --args="-r ./dat/queryTDN.txt -o ./eval/TDN_W.ret -p ./dat/stopwords.txt -k 1000 -m 0 -e 1 -t 20"
# Proximity Query
./gradlew run --args="-r ./dat/queryT.txt -o ./eval/T_P.ret -p ./dat/stopwords.txt -k 1000 -m 1 -e 1 -x 15 -t 20"
The TREC evaluation tool is available at You should install it to the ./eval
# Generate evaluation results for all queries
for file in ./eval/*.ret; do
./eval/trec_eval ./eval/judgerobust $file > "${file%.ret}".eval
# Generate diagrams for the evaluation results
python3 ./scripts/ -i `ls -1 ./eval/*.eval | tr '\n' ','` -o ./eval/PR.png,./eval/P.png