
common algorithm implementations (js)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Algorithms Overview

Union Find


  • Union: Join 2 graph nodes
  • Find: Are 2 nodes connected?
  • [Root]: (for quick algos) find root of connection tree

Naive: O(n^2) Brute force solution must recursively check each node


  • Quick Find: Store Ids in 'connections' subarray (N)
  • Quick Union: Use a Tree to join formed subarrays (N)
  • Weighted QU: Compare trees, put smaller below (Log N)
  • Path Compression: Set tree merges to point at root (Log* N)

Stack / Queue

  • Can be implemented with Linked List OR Array
  • O(1) add and remove / O(n) iteration
  • Iterate with *[Symbol.iterator]


Merge Sort

  • Guaranteed O(n log n)
  • Split Recursively until array length 1, build up by merging
  • Stable sort (retains position on multiple key sorts)

Bottom-Up Merge Sort

  • Iterative approach: Two for loops, second is n * 2 intervals
  • Compare in place by twos, fours, etc until merged

Quick Sort

  • Shuffle, partition from pivot, recurse left, recurse right
  • Avg O(1.3n log n) - faster than merge sort
  • Worst case is O(n^2) - when already sorted
  • Not stable

Priority Queues

Binary Heap

  • Starts at index 1
  • Max: O(1)
  • Del Max: O(log n) Swap with end, pop, and sink down
  • Add: O(log n) Push to end and bubble up

Heap Sort

  • In place with O(n log n) worst case
  • No use of cache memory
  • Not stable

Elementary Symbol Tables

Symbol Table

  • (Key, Value) Like an object, but ordered

  • Implemented with 2 sorted arrays (one keys, one values)

  • Retrieve in O(log n) with binary search

  • Insert O(n) - major flaw


  • A collection of unique keys
  • Can be used for exception filters blacklisting / whitelisting

Binary Search Tree

  • A binary tree in symmetric order (left smaller, right larger)

  • Search / insert average case O(log n) / worst case O(n)

  • Pre order / In order / Post order traversals

  • Removal options: tombstone (leave key, rm value)

  • Or: Hibbard Deletion (replace with right's lesser child) - leads to asymmetrical O(sqrt(n)) operations tree

  • Validate recursively with min/max

Balanced Search Trees

  • Guaranteed O(log n)

2-3 Search Trees

  • Each node 1 key (2 child) / 2 key (3c) => if 3 key, new parent

Red-Black Trees

  • 2-3 trees, 2 key trees represented as red path

  • Default red path on insertion, then adjustment, rules:

  • Red path must lean left, only 1 red path per node

  • To follow rules, perform operations:

  • Flip colors, rotate left, rotate right

Hash Tables

  • Best for short keys, unordered values

Hashing Function

  • Hashing functions should give all indices equally
  • One way is Horner's method (character * 31) % 2
  • Birthday problem: Collisions are inevitable
  • Coupon Collector / Load Balancing: Evenly distributed

Separate Chaining

  • Dealing with Collisions using a LinkedList
  • Constant time lookup avg, worst case linear

Linear Probing

  • 'Open addressing' using array, try next (i + 1) if full
  • Forms clusters that must searched on retrieval, kept small
  • Can be prevented by 'Two probe' or 'Double hashing'

Undirected Graphs

  • Use 'marked' and 'edgeto' properties to search


DFS: Maze Exploration of possible paths - recursion or stack

  • Connected Components - Are 2 components in connected subgraph?


BFS: Branching search - queue

  • find path between 2 nodes


  • Bipartite Graph: Is every (red) connected to only (blacks) O(n)
  • Eulerian Cycle: Traverse every edge exactly once O(n)
  • Hamiltonian Cycle: Visit each vertex exactly once (intractable)
  • Graph isomorphism: Are 2 graphs identical despite vertex names? (unknown)
  • No overlap layout: Extremely complex but O(n)

Directed Graphs (dirGraphs)

Vertex has indegree (arrows in) and outdegree (arrows out)

  • Program flow is always a digraph
  • Garbage collection is a digraph of pointers


  • DFS code same as undirected (marked, edgeTo, arrays)
  • BFS code same as undirected (marked, edgeTo, distTo arrays)
  • Web crawler (BFS)

Topological Sort

  • How can you schedule tasks with precedence constraints?
  • Draw DAG (directed acyclic graph) so all the edges point up
  • Solve with DFS (create reverse postOrder stack)

Strong(ly Connected) Components

  • Points directed at each other - can be through other points
  • Works similar to connected component subarrays
Kosaraju-Sharir Algorithm

Used to find all strongly connected components

  • FIRST topological sort => on reverse() version of graph
  • THEN iterate normal graph in order of rev pOs - group DAG kernel

Minimum Spanning Trees

Definition: Shortest way to connect edge weighted graph - acyclic

Greedy Algorithm

Cut: A partition of the graph into two non-empty sets Crossing edge: connects a vertex in one set to one in the other

  • Continually cut, find minimum edge (black) until no more cuts w/o black
  • While (vertex count - 1 black edges), continue cutting
  • Graph not connected? Minimum spanning forest
Kruskal's Algorithm

Sort edges by shortest first, keep adding until there's a cycle

  • Use queue, min heap, union find
  • Repeat until (V - 1) edges
  • worst O(n log n)
Prim's Algorithm

Start with vertex 0, add min weight edge to MST -> (a queue)

  • Re evaluate min weight edge which connects to the tree
  • Use priority queue (min heap) to hold all edges (Lazy solution)
  • Repeat until (V - 1) edges
  • (Eager) - What is the best way to get to the tree, considering current edges? (Need INDEXED priority queue)

Shortest Paths

For edge weighted digraphs - how do we get from one vertex to every other vertex?

  • Iterate through weighted edges branching from origin, in increasing length

Dijkstra's Algorithm

Computes a SPT (Shortest Path) in any edge weighted digraph with non-negative weights

  • Relaxing paths always decreases length
  • Use Indexed PQ (with decrease keys) -> makes an asymptotic difference with fibonacci heap