
ClangKit provides an Objective-C frontend to LibClang. Source tokenization, diagnostics and fix-its are actually implemented.

Primary LanguageC++


Build Status Issues Status License Contact


ClangKit provides an Objective-C frontend to LibClang. Source tokenization, diagnostics and fix-its are actually implemented.

ClangKit is intended to be used as a private framework, in an application's bundle.
Possible applications includes:

  • Source code syntax highlighting
  • Source code tokenization
  • Source code diagnostics
  • Source code static analysis

Language support

The project actually supports parsing C, C++, Objective-C and Objective-C++ source code.

iOS note

The project is not yet compatible with iOS, but everything should be fine, as LibClang is actually compiled as a static library.


Documentation and API reference can be found at: http://doc.xs-labs.com/ClangKit/

Project home

Project home can be found at: http://xs-labs.com/en/projects/clang-kit/


ClangKit is released under the terms of the Boost Software License - Version 1.0.

Repository Infos

Owner:			Jean-David Gadina - XS-Labs
Web:			www.xs-labs.com
Blog:			www.noxeos.com
Twitter:		@macmade
GitHub:			github.com/macmade
LinkedIn:		ch.linkedin.com/in/macmade/
StackOverflow:	stackoverflow.com/users/182676/macmade