GearUpp Readme

The App

GearUpp is a Ruby on rails backened application. The goal of the project was to create a fully functional e-commerce site that can host visitors, authenticated users, and admins. A visitor can browse the entire store, add products to their cart, and checkout. Admin access gives the user additional privledges and functionality. A admin can create and edit products, as well as, update order status'. The app is currently being hosted on Heroku here: (link)

Getting Started

  • Ruby 2.3.1
  • Rails 5.1.2
  • Database initialization
  • Rake db:create db:migrate db:seed db:test:prepare


  • To run test suite: bundle, rspec


  • Ashish Vaid
  • JF Lalonde
  • Marc Fidelman
  • Michael Centrelli

Site Flow Diagram
