Movie Recommendation Example

This is a relatively simple example of a recommendation system for the MRS.

Caching data

It caches the entire database (of flat files) into a cache in the data access layer, consisting of HashMaps of Users and Movies and lastly it connects these by object references to all the ratings in a two way reference.

It then works solely on the object structure to do its magic.

Object structure

The Movie has a list of ratings for that movie. The rating holds one Movie. The user has a list of ratings for that user, the rating references a single user.


There are 4 different data presentations

1. All the already rated movies for a specific user are shown in order of avarage rating for the movie

  • loops through the users rated movies
  • calculates averages for the movies
  • sorts using a Java Stream Comparator.

2. All the unrated movies for a specific user are shown in order of avarage rating for the movie

  • loops through all movies and discards the ones that is already in the users rating list
  • calculates averages for the movies
  • sorts using a Java Stream Comparator.

3. Compare users and find most similar users

  • For a specific user loops through all users in the system
  • For each movie that both rated, calculate the absolute difference between ratings
  • Calculate the average absolute difference and normalize to a double between 0 and 1
  • Create a list af all other users with their calculated difference to the user
  • Sort by average difference
  • Convert nomrmalized value to percent for presentation

4. Find unseen movies within the top most similar users

  • Find top 10 similar users for a specific user
  • For each of these save all unique movies to a list
  • Calculate the average rating per movie based on all the similar users ratings
  • Sort by similarity average

See project here: