
Simple app to ping a specified server and notify developers if server is not up

Primary LanguageKotlin


Ping against a specified endpoint and post a message to slack if the endpoint is failing to respond


Create a simple slack app that will post to your slack channel

set the HEARTBEAT_URL environment variable to whatever URL you want to ping (e.g. http://localhost:3000/heartbeat)

set the SLACK_URL environment variable to the slack webhook URL in your slack app

Running it

gradle run

Running it on AWS Lambda

  • Build a jar ./gradlew shadowJar

  • Upload the jar in the "Function Code" section on lambda, choose "Java 8" as the runtime, and set the handler to "MainKt::handleLambda"

  • Set your environment variables

  • Set your memory usage (I'm testing with 256 MB)

Recommended: Set the project to run on a periodic basis

  • Add a "CloudWatch Event trigger"

  • Set the rule type to "schedule expression" and set the expression (e.g. rate(1, minute) This runs the function once every minute)