
Oh My... Another Brainfuck Compiler

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Oh my... Another Brainfuck Compiler - omabfc

OMABFC is a Brainfuck compiler written in C that produces NASM-compatible x64 Linux assembly code.


OMABFC is a command-line tool. Available options:

  • --input-file | -i: provides input Brainfuck file (required),
  • --output-file | -o: provides output file for assembly code (by default code is outputted to stdout),
  • --version | -v: prints OMABFC version to stdout,
  • --help | -h: prints help to stdout,
  • --code-gen | -c: picks a code generator (required),
  • --tape-size | -t: provides the allocated tape size in bytes (defaults to 1000)

Available code generators

The following code generators are available:

  • x86_64lin: produces x86_64 Assembly utilizing Linux syscalls,
  • x86_16dos: produces 16-bit Assembly code that can be built as a DOS .COM executable.

Actually building Brainfuck programs into executables (for x86_64lin)

OMABFC only produces assembly code. This means, that it needs to be manually assembled and linked. The process is fairly simple.

  1. Compile a Brainfuck file: omabfc -i program.bf -o program.asm
  2. Assemble it using nasm: nasm -f elf64 program.asm -o program.o
  3. Link it: ld program.o -o program

And that's it.

Building OMABFC

You need to get CMake and GCC. Go into root directory of the repostiory with a terminal, make a directory called build, go to it and execute cmake .. from it. Now run make all. After the compilation succeeds, omabfc file should appear in the build directory.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.