Text formatter (tf) is a basic computer craft text formatting system used for creating inline coloured text.
local tf = require("tf")
local width, height = term.getSize()
local header = tf.createString("$b7 Current status ")
header = tf.align(header, width, "centre")
tf.print("$f8Turtle$f_ Mining Turtle $feOffline")
tf.print("$f8Turtle$f_ Farming Turtle $f5Online")
tf.print("$f8Server$f_ Chat Server $f5Online")
local tf = require("tf")
tf.print("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam eu $c74elit eu turpis$c__ porta eleifend vitae a tortor.\nQuisque congue ultricies urna, ac tincidunt urna eleifend a.\nVestibulum $c74posuere ipsum sit$c__ amet sem dapibus egestas. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc luctus $c74facilisis felis$c__ sit amet sagittis.\nPellentesque in laoreet augue, eget egestas eros. Duis tincidunt sodales elit eu feugiat. Aenean ut $c74dictum arcu, eget aliquet$c__ ex.")
Tags are used to swich or suggest the formatting of the text. Tags always start with a $
therefore in order to have a $
as text you need to type $$
. The current tags are shown in the table below.
Tag | Purpose |
$f{1} |
Switch the colour of the text to be {1} where {1} is a hexadecimal digit referring to the colour in the current colour palette or a _ specifying to use the default foreground colour. |
$b{1} |
Switch the colour of the background below the current text to be {1} where {1} is a hexadecimal digit referring to the colour in the current colour palette or a _ specifying to use the default background colour. |
$c{1}{2} |
Switch the foreground and background colour of the text to be {1} and {2} respectively. Equivelent to $f{1}$b{2}. |
$$ |
Writes a single $ character. |
For example, to send a message such as ERROR Turtle is on fire!
with the word ERROR
having a red background and the word fire
in orange, you would use $beERROR$bf Turtle is on $f1fire$f0!
For more detailed doccumentaion on every function please see the wiki page.
Type the following command into the terminal to download the required lua file.
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mcrevs/cc-text-formatter/main/tf.lua
Add this to the start of your program file to include the library.
local tf = require("tf")
Print a coloured string accross multiple lines if required.
tf.print("$feH$f1E$f4L$f5L$fbL$faO$f0 $cfeW$b1O$b4R$b5L$bbD$ba!")