Welcome to my brief yelp dataset project.

The goal of this is to perform some data analyses with the online yelp dataset found at https://www.yelp.com/dataset.

In the scripts folder, you will find the programs/tools I created for this so far:

  1. filtering_database.py
  2. tabulate_attributes.py
  3. calculate_sentiment.py
  4. sentiment_scores.py

A short description for each one


  • Uses command line arguments via argparse.
  • Currently gives csv of business_id, name, address, city, state, rating, review_count and business attributes
  • These can be changed by changing the "desiredFields" variable.


  • Uses command line arguments the same way as filtering_database.py to query the data
  • Then creates columns out of the attributes for use in a pivot table
  • Gives back only the name, city, and attributes.
  • The attributes dictionaries are unpacked to generate purely tabular data.
  • Python truthiness is used to convert the True/False into 1/0.


  • Pulls the reviews dataset. This is too large for my RAM so I pull items in batches.
  • Assigns a sentiment score to every single review in the dataset.
  • For the sentiment analysis, I use both VADER and textblob.
  • Data cleaning is lowercasing, punctuation removal, and stopword removal.
  • Note: there could be some value to not cleaning the text that I have not extensively tested. On whole VADER performs well with punctuation and emojis. In addition, some textblob sentiment calculations seemed more accurate by eye test when no cleaning was done.
  • The scores from vader and textblob are combined by averaging.
  • In order to compare to the standard yelp 5 stars rating, the average is normalized to be on the interval [0,5] to give a composite rating score.
  • Note: I also did not decide to take into account subjectivity score from textblob or other aspects of the review (such as the review stars and reactions).
  • Future additions include taking these extra factors into account. The subjectivity could be used to weight the combination of VADER and textblob.


  • Takes the composite sentiment and groups by business_id, and computes an aggregate business sentiment across all reviews by taking a simple average.
  • Note: The review stars and reactions could be used to weight the contribution of each individual review to hte aggregate sentiment.
  • Joins the business data from the business dataset with the aggregate sentiment on the business_id and outputs the sentiment divergence, the difference between the actual star rating and the star-rating-normalized aggregate sentiment.
  • One might imagine then making a cut on absolute divergence to determine which businesses need further review.