
FindMy firmware for the Telink 825x MCU

Primary LanguageC


FindMy firmware for the Telink 825x MCU


These instructions require linux. Although they almost can't be called instructions, since it's just cloning three repositories and unpacking the toolchain tarball to /opt:

git clone https://github.com/biemster/FindMy
git clone https://github.com/biemster/tlsr825x_FindMy
git clone https://github.com/pvvx/TlsrComSwireWriter
wget http://shyboy.oss-cn-shenzhen.aliyuncs.com/readonly/tc32_gcc_v2.0.tar.bz2
sudo tar -xvjf tc32_gcc_v2.0.tar.bz2 -C /opt/
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/tc32/bin

For convenience you could add the PATH export to whatever gets called on starting a new shell, so it's always available.

Further preparation

I assume here you are already familiar with the FindMy scripts from biemster/FindMy. If you're not, please refer to that repository for further info.

  1. Generate a .keys file with FindMy/generate_keys.py
  2. Add the key to the firmware using the prep_fw.py script like this: ./prep_fw.py <path to .keys file>
  • Additionally the firmware could be recompiled before this, by running make.
  1. Flash the new FindMy_XXXXXXX.bin file using TLSR825xComFlasher.py over an UART, for example an USB UART dongle:
cd TlsrComSwireWriter
python TLSR825xComFlasher.py -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -t 1000 -r wf 0 ../tlsr825x_FindMy/FindMy_XXXXXXX.bin

Retrieving the location of the module

This is explained in more detail in the FindMy repository, but boils down to running the request_reports.py script in the same directory as the .keys file generated here.