Message Queue Service Demo

This is a demo project showcasing a message queue service implementation using RabbitMQ and .NET 4.7.


The project demonstrates the following features:

  • Two channels: Channel A and Channel B.
  • Two message publishers for each channel.
  • Two or more consumers for each channel.
  • Two consumers shared between both channels.



  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Open the solution in Visual Studio.

  3. Configure RabbitMQ:

    • Install RabbitMQ. In command line run this command. - docker run --hostname rabbit --name rabbit-server -p 15672:15672 -p 5672:5672 rabbitmq:3.12.12-management
    • Update RabbitMQ connection details in the project as needed. (MessageQueueService/Infrastructure/Connections/RabbitMQConnection.cs)
  4. Build and Run the Solution:

    • Build the solution in Visual Studio.
    • Run the application.

Project Structure

  • MessageQueueService.ShowConsumedMessage: View consumed messages.
  • MessageQueueService.Common: Shared models and common utilities.
  • MessageQueueService.Infrastructure.Connections: Connection setup for RabbitMQ.
  • MessageQueueService.Publisher: Message publishers for Channel A and Channel B.
  • MessageQueueService.Consumer: Consumers for Channel A and Channel B.
  • MessageQueueService.Web: Web project containing controllers, views, and application setup.


  1. Open the web application in your browser.
  2. Use the provided UI to publish messages to Channel A and Channel B.
  3. Run the MessageQueueService.ShowConsumedMessage to see consumed messages both from channel A and B

Additional Notes

  • Make sure RabbitMQ server is running before starting the application.
  • Check RabbitMQ connection details in the code and update them accordingly.
  • Customize the logic in consumers based on your specific requirements.



This project is open source.