
Server URL => https://online-nursery-server-psi.vercel.app/

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Project Name

Flora Essence


This project is an online nursery website developed using React, Redux, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Mongoose(ODM). The platform allows users to browse, filter, search for products, manage their shopping cart, and make online payments. It also includes a product and category management section for administrators to perform CRUD operations.


  • Cloud Storage: Integration with Cloudinary for media uploads.
  • File Handling: File uploads are handled with Multer.
  • Validation: Input validation using Zod.
  • Environment Management: Configuration with dotenv.
  • Error Handling: HTTP status management with http-status.
  • Cross-Origin Resource Sharing: CORS support.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/MdMuzahid07/Online-Nursery_Server.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd your-repository
  3. Install dependencies:

    yarn install


  • Start Development Server:

    yarn start-dev

    It uses ts-node-dev to run the server using TypeScript.

  • Start Production Server:

    yarn start

    Runs the compiled JavaScript from the dist folder.

  • Build Project:

    yarn build

    Compiles TypeScript files into JavaScript.

  • Lint Code:

    yarn lint

    Lints the code without fixing issues.

  • Lint and Fix Code:

    yarn lint-fix

    Lints and automatically fixes code issues.

  • Prettier Format:

    yarn prettier

    Formats code using Prettier.

  • Prettier Fix:

    yarn prettier-fix


  • cloudinary: For cloud-based media management.
  • cors: For handling cross-origin requests.
  • express: Web framework for Node.js.
  • http-status: For HTTP status codes.
  • mongoose: MongoDB object modeling tool.
  • multer: Middleware for handling file uploads.
  • zod: Type-safe validation.

Development Dependencies

  • eslint: For linting JavaScript and TypeScript code.
  • prettier: For code formatting.
  • typescript: TypeScript language support.
  • ts-node-dev: For running and debugging TypeScript code.


Ensure that your environment variables are set up correctly in a .env file. You can find an example of the required environment variables in .env.example.