
  • A Node.js Backend Application

This repository contains the source code for a backend application built with Express.js, Mongoose, MongoDB, TypeScript, as the main technologies.


Robust data management: Leverages Mongoose for seamless interaction with MongoDB, ensuring efficient data storage and retrieval

Type safety: Enforces type checks through TypeScript, enhancing code reliability and maintainability.

Getting Started


Node.js and npm (or Yarn) are installed on your system. You can download them from the official Node.js website: https://nodejs.org/en A MongoDB instance running locally or remotely.

Clone this repository:


  1. git clone https://github.com/MdMuzahid07/P-HERO-Level-2-Assignment-2.git

  2. Navigate to the project directory:


#yarn install

There are two ways to run the application:

Development mode (hot reloading):

yarn start-dev

This starts the application in development mode, enabling hot reloading whenever you make changes to the source code.

Production mode:


yarn build

This builds the application in production mode and then starts it. The built code is placed in the dist directory.


The package.json file defines various scripts to automate tasks:

  1. start: Start the application in production mode.
  2. start-dev: Starts the application in development mode with hot reloading.
  3. lint: Runs ESLint to check for code style and potential errors.
  4. build: Builds the application for production using TypeScript.
  5. lint-fix: Automatically fixes linting errors using ESLint.
  6. prettier: Formats code using Prettier.
  7. prettier-fix: Automatically formats code using Prettier.