Diffie Hellman Key Exchange Implementation

Diffie Hellman (DH) key exchange algorithm is a method for securely exchanging key(s) over a public communications channel. Keys are not actually exchanged – they are jointly derived. It is named after their inventors Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman.

Output Samples of implementation

PersonOne OutcomePersonTwo Outcome

Directory Structure

The following is a high level overview of relevant files and folders.

├── build/
│   |── classes/     
│   |   └── Interface/
|   |── empty/
|   └── generated-sources/
│       └── ap-source-output/
├── dist/
├── nbproject/ 
│   └── private/      
└── src/ 
    └── Interface/   
├── build/
│   |── classes/     
│       |── PersonOne
|       |     |── InterfaceImple.class
|       |     └── PersonOne.class
|       |── .netbeans_automatic_build
|       └── .netbeans_update_resources
├── nbproject/ 
│   |── private/  
|   |     |── private.properties/
|   |     └── private/
|   |── build-impl/
|   |── genfiles.properties/
|   |── project.properties/
|   └── project/
├── src/ 
|    └── PersonOne/
|          |── InterfaceImpl/
|          └── PersonOne/
├── build/ 
├── Interface/
└── manifest.mf/

├── build/
│   |── classes/     
│       |── PersonTwo
|       |     └── PersonTwo.class
|       |── .netbeans_automatic_build
|       └── .netbeans_update_resources
├── nbproject/ 
│   |── private/  
|   |     |── private.properties/
|   |     └── private/
|   |── build-impl/
|   |── genfiles.properties/
|   |── project.properties/
|   └── project/
├── src/ 
|    └── PersonTwo/
|          └── PersonTwo/
├── build/ 
├── Interface/
└── manifest.mf/