
All about domain generalization

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Domain generalization

MIT License

Table of contents

Survey papers

Research papers 2021

Machine learning venues

Computer vision venues


Research papers before 2021


Machine learning venues

Neural network-based methods

Kernel-based methods

Computer vision venues

Autoencoder-based methods

Deep neural network-based methods

Metric learning-based methods

Support vector machine (SVM)-based methods



Dataset #Sample #Feature #Class Subdomain Reference
Office+Caltech 2533 SURF: 800, DeCAF: 4096 10 A, W, D, C [1]
VOC2007 3376 DeCAF: 4096 5 V [2]
LabelMe 2656 DeCAF: 4096 5 L [3]
Caltech101 1415 DeCAF: 4096 5 C [4]
SUN09 3282 DeCAF: 4096 5 S [5]
PACS 9991 ResNet: 512, AlexNet: 4096 7 Photo, Art Painting, Cartoon, Sketch [6]



This dataset is constructed by collecting common classes in two datasets: Office-31 (which contains A, W and D) and Caltech-256 (which is C).
Four domains: A(Amazon, 958 instances), W(Webcam, 295 instances), D(DSLR, 157 instances), and C(Caltech, 1123 instances).
Ten common classes: back pack, bike, calculator, headphones, keyboard, laptop_computer, monitor, mouse, mug, and projector.


Download Office+Caltech original images [Google Drive]
Download Office+Caltech SURF dataset [Google Drive]
Download Office+Caltech DeCAF dataset [Google Drive]



Four domains: V(VOC2007), L(LabelMe), C(Caltech), and S(SUN09).
Five common classes: bird, car, chair, dog, and person.


Download the VLCS DeCAF dataset [Google Drive]



Fifteen Corruptions spanning noise, blur, weather, and digital corruptions. 1000 common classes, the ImageNet-1K classes. The paper is here.


Download links are available at https://github.com/hendrycks/robustness/



ImageNet-R(endition) contains art, cartoons, deviantart, graffiti, embroidery, graphics, origami, paintings, patterns, plastic objects, plush objects, sculptures, sketches, tattoos, toys, and video game renditions of ImageNet classes.

ImageNet-R has renditions of 200 ImageNet classes resulting in 30,000 images. The paper is here.


Download links are available at https://github.com/hendrycks/imagenet-r



Four domains: photo, art painting, cartoon, and sketch.
Seven common classes: dog, elephant, horse, giraffe, guitar, house, and person.


Download the PACS dataset [Google Drive]



This dataset contains a subset of the popular YFCC100M dataset, that are partitioned based on the images' country of origin.


The infomation of Geo-YFCC dataset is available at https://github.com/abhimanyudubey/GeoYFCC

DG variants


  1. Gong, Boqing, Yuan Shi, Fei Sha, and Kristen Grauman. "Geodesic flow kernel for unsupervised domain adaptation." In Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2012 IEEE Conference on, pp. 2066-2073. IEEE, 2012.

  2. Everingham, Mark, Luc Van Gool, Christopher KI Williams, John Winn, and Andrew Zisserman. "The pascal visual object classes (voc) challenge." International journal of computer vision 88, no. 2 (2010): 303-338.

  3. Russell, Bryan C., Antonio Torralba, Kevin P. Murphy, and William T. Freeman. "LabelMe: a database and web-based tool for image annotation." International journal of computer vision 77, no. 1-3 (2008): 157-173.

  4. Griffin, Gregory, Alex Holub, and Pietro Perona. "Caltech-256 object category dataset." (2007).

  5. Choi, Myung Jin, Joseph J. Lim, Antonio Torralba, and Alan S. Willsky. "Exploiting hierarchical context on a large database of object categories." (2010).

  6. Da Li, Yongxin Yang, Yi-Zhe Song, and Timothy M Hospedales. "Deeper, broader and artier domaingeneralization." InProceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision, pages 5542–5550,2017.10. (2017).


  • Shoubo Hu - shoubo.sub [at] gmail.com

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.