This is a Discord Bot. The bot's sole purpose is to announce arrivals and departures in voice chat via TTS. This is a fork of a lightweight Discord music bot written in go with minimal dependencies.
Make sure to have Go (Golang) installed.
Go to src/ directory.
Let Go install all library dependencies:
go mod tidy
. -
Build the program:
go build .
Make sure to have ffmpeg installed (basically every Linux/BSD distro should have a package for it).
Make sure to have a RECENT version of youtube-dl. If your distro doesn't package a recent version, see the section titled "Obtaining a recent youtube-dl binary".
Example configuration:
"custom_names": {
"ExampleUser": "Call Me Something Else"
"ffmpeg_path": "ffmpeg",
"google_service_account_credentials": "google-translate-api-credentials.json",
"ignore_list": [],
"prefix": "!",
"token": "insert your discord bot token here",
"user_audio_path": "audio/",
"youtube-dl_path": "youtube-dl"
config.json.example config.json
or run the binary once to generateconfig.json
. -
You can get the TTS api credentials by following instructions here.
, find the line that says"token"
. In that line, change the text that says"insert your discord bot token here"
to whatever your bot token is (just look it up if you don't know how to get one). Remember to keep the""
surrounding the token. -
Run the program:
The code should build and run in docker. The Makefile is opinionated about the volume mounts for configs/audio/etc so check accordingly.
$ make docker-build
$ make docker-run
{"level":"info","ts":1658381475.0567544,"caller":"trumpet/config.go:46","msg":"Config file (re)loaded, hash: 99637ef5541bb735d92adad83c646569466c35df71d20190e88b23ab30bf295e\n"}
{"level":"info","ts":1658381475.802256,"caller":"trumpet/main.go:377","msg":"Opened Discord websocket session."}
Bot is now running. Press Ctrl+c to exit.
{"level":"info","ts":1658381475.802329,"caller":"trumpet/main.go:395","msg":"Logged in to Discord as trumpet#7925. Discord UID: 924974173963579392.","username":"trumpet","discriminator":"7925","id":"924974173963579392"}
Logged in as trumpet#7925.
Useful Note: The program should support config hot-reloading and my minimal testing shows that you can change config.json
and get a new config loaded without restarting the bot.
There are two main "options" you'll probably adjust often when using trumpet, the ability to "ignore" a user and the ability to have a "custom" vanity name.
The custom_names
variable contains a key:value mapping of username to preffered "custom" announcement name.
The ignore_list
variable is simply a list of usernames to ignore so the bot will not announce their join/part events.
- youtube-dl might cause some problems with certain Unicode characters if the locale isn't configured correctly (messages like "Adding 0 tracks to queue." may arise). Quick fix:
sudo sh -c "echo 'LC_ALL=\"en_US.UTF-8\"' >> /etc/environment"