Dip Advisor

DipAdvisor allows wild swimming enthusiasts to find a community and easily share their favourite open swimming spots and pictures of them.

Run off API within this repo: https://github.com/Wiggy93/DipAdvisor_API

Built by Alex Wignall, Lewis Brown, Mitchell Mosley and Ben Iorns in 2 weeks for our final project with the NorthCoders bootcamp.


Clone down repo

$ git clone https://github.com/Mdmosley12/DipAdvisor-FrontEnd

Change into the Dip-Advisor-FrontEnd directory, followed by:

$ cd DipAdvisor

Install with

$ npm install

Set up and run

Download and install 1 of:

  • Android Studios Emulator: https://developer.android.com/studio

    • Set up an emulator phone using a model with Google Play supported following the instructions on the above link.
  • Expo Go mobile App from Google Play / App Store

    • Ensure mobile is on same network as the
    • Set up an account
    • Open Expo Go within phone

Run on your computer with:

$ npm start

If using Android Studios Emulator

Press a if $ npm start used above. Alternatively, the below shortcut can be used to immediately start on the emulator.

$ npm start --android

Then select the phone model for it to load on.

NB Android Studios Emulator known to have issues running at the same time as Slack.

If using Expo Go on Mobile

Choose one of:

  • Use a QR code reader to open DipAdvisor on the Expo Go app.
  • Within the Expo Go app, select the QR code reader and open app.
  • Within the Expo Go app, select manual start and type in the url immediately below the QR code. It starts with "expo://". Include the expo:// within the full url.
  • If previously opened, press the relevant recently opened DipAdvisor.

Using the app

  • Force a reload by pressing r in the terminal at any point.
  • If on mobile, shake phone and press reload.